
日本與中國的漢字改革運動(作者 黄乃强) Japan and China's Chinese Character Reform Movement (Author Huang Naiqiang)






的光芒,永远不可磨灭。(汪 岚)

Editor's Note: New Zealand writer Mr. Huang Naiqiang wrote this article

Chapter, very innovative, very convincing. Very inspiring and resistant

People for taste. I was in favor of his view: it was already in the 20th Century

Stir up the mess of Chinese characters, after a painful

After struggling, it will return on a new basis. Password Chinese characters

The light, never indelible. (Wang Lan)

黃乃強 (游子)

  楊振寧先生最近在香港的一次演說中說:「世界的變化如此巨大,而一百六十年間中華民族的歷史才是真正翻天覆地的歷史。一百六十年的前一半,是一個曾有輝煌文化的、富有自信心的民族的悲慘沉淪史──從泱泱大國、天之驕子,淪為任人宰割、民不聊生的次殖民地。比受到外國人欺凌與卑視更可怕的,是中華民族自已徹底喪失了自信心。<種族退化論>與<廢除漢語論>更都是百分之百沒有自信心才會萌生的說法。」﹝注一﹞        遠在近一百年前,在清朝末和中華民國初,中國知識界就有人提出「廢除漢語論」。認為中國的落後與「落後的」漢字有關,他們主派廢除漢字,說甚麼「漢字不滅,中國必亡」。﹝注二﹞
Japan and China 's Chinese Character Reform Movement
The following are the same as the "
Huang naiqiang
New Zealand writer
The following are the same as the "

  "The change in the world is so great, and the history of the Chinese nation in one hundred and sixty years is a truly earth-shaking history," said Mr. Yang Zhenning, a recent speech in Hong Kong. The first half of the year was a glorious culture The rich and self-confident nation of the tragic history of depression - from the great country, the pride of heaven, become slaughtered, people are destitute the second colony than by foreigners bullying and humble more terrible, is the Chinese nation itself completely The loss of self-confidence. <Racial degeneration> and "abolish the Chinese theory" are more than 100% without self-confidence will initiation of the argument. "(Note 1) far more than a hundred years ago, at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, Chinese intellectuals have proposed "abolish the Chinese theory". That China's backwardness and "backward" Chinese characters, they abolished the Chinese factions, saying that "Chinese characters immortal, China will die." (Note 2)

Although the Chinese nation was full of cultural self-esteem over the past 100 years, the author did not think that these reformers had "100% self-esteem" for their own people. They made "abolish Chinese characters" and nothing more than to explore the power of the nation. In fact, the "abolition of Chinese characters" originated in Japan. Its abolition of the Chinese character movement originated in Japan's Meiji era, earlier in China. As early as 1872, the former island of Japan proposed to the Meiji government "the implementation of the new academic system, the Western countries in the use of phonetic transcription, the development of new grammar" proposal. Although the government did not adopt the proposal of the former island, although there are many objections, but a group of people who have not given up the abolition of Chinese characters advocate and efforts to form up to nearly a hundred years of the abolition of Chinese characters, the Roman language of the language reform movement The The movement was up and down, sometimes linked to the political struggle, and sometimes linked to nationalism, until the Second World War Japan defeated the US occupation period, reached a climax: almost to completely abolish the traditional Japanese and switch The point of English. But finally returned to its starting point: the provisions of the "Kangxi Dictionary" as the basis, Japan said "back to the ancestors" of the.


        說漢字使中國落後的理由很多。理由之一,是:幾百年來,凡使用拼音文字的國家都先進、都強大,凡使用方塊字的國家都落後、被欺侮被壓迫。        但是這種說法并不符合歷史事實。幾百年來,并不是所有使用拼音文字的國都強大、都先進。歷史上也有不少使用拼音文字的民族和國家被欺侮、被壓迫,甚致被消滅;當它們被欺侮、被壓迫、被消滅的時候,拼音文字也沒有救過他們。第二、漢字有超過三千年的歷史,拼音文字也至少有超過一千年的歷史;拼音文字史前的至少兩千年間,中華民族一直是先進和強大的民族;就是在漢字與拼音文字并行的一千多年歷史中,漢民族也是更加強大、更加先進的時期占了絕大部分,僅僅是清末以後的百餘年時間中華民族才落後了。        說漢字使中國落後的理由之二,是:漢字不適用於現代通訊、印刷、傳播、不適於「電腦化」、不適於現代工業化生產,等等。但是,恰恰是近代電腦科技的發展,文字處理噐的廣泛應用,反過來證明了漢字其實是最實用、最有效率、最先進的一種文字。何群雄先生在<漢字在日本>一書中說:在日本「七、八十年代之交,隨著電腦漢字處裡技術的進步,文字改革的最後一塊基石崩潰了」。
        「數字電腦」把一切現象、實物、圖象、文字,通統轉化成「數據」,再對這些數據進行處理:包括儲存、計算、傳輸、通訊、傳播、顯示、印刷等等。當前,電腦技術己經深入社會生活各方面,包括各個不同的行業。與語言、文字關連最大的現代印刷業、出版業、報業、傳播媒體等,都更加離不開電腦。而恰恰在這幾個與語言文字相關連的現代化工業裡,漢字顯現出比拼音文字更大的優越性:電腦處理﹝包括傳輸、通訊﹞漢字和漢語比拼音文字速度更快,效率更高﹝約高出3.7至4.0倍﹞;漢語更加適用於未來智能電腦的應用和發展,等。        總之,現代電腦科技的發展使漢字獲得了新的生命力。        說漢字使中國落後的理由之三,是:漢字源自「形象」;形象文字使中國人慣于「形象思維」而不像西方人那樣,慣於「邏輯思維」;他們說,「邏輯思維」使西方科學發達而「形象思維」使中國科學不發達。        但是,這種理論早就被實踐證明是完全錯誤的。現代理論甚致認為慣于「形象思維」的人才更加富於創造性,只靠「邏輯思維」不會有偉大的創造。偉大的科學家愛因斯坦說他自已習慣于用形象,而不是用符號來思考;這就是「形象思維」。楊振寧、李振道都慣于「形象思維」的中國人。他們的「形象思維」使他們打破了「宇稱定律」,獲得諾貝爾獎,再次改寫了人類科學發展的歷史。        因此,中國科學不發達、中國落後應該另有其他原因,不能怪罪於漢字。
Chinese characters really make the country behind it?

        There are many reasons why Chinese characters are left behind. One of the reasons is: for centuries, where the use of phonetic alphabet countries are advanced, are powerful, where the use of square words of the country are behind, being bullied oppressed. But this is not consistent with historical facts. For centuries, not all countries that use Pinyin are powerful and advanced. There are also many nationalities and countries that use phonetic alphabet in history to be bullied, oppressed, and even destroyed; when they are bullied, oppressed, destroyed, the phonetic alphabet did not save them. Second, Chinese characters have more than three thousand years of history, Pinyin text at least more than a thousand years of history; Pinyin text prehistoric at least two thousand years ago, the Chinese nation has been advanced and powerful nation; is in Chinese characters and phonetic characters in parallel Thousands of years of history, the Han nationality is more powerful, more advanced period accounted for the vast majority, only the late Qing Dynasty after more than 100 years the Chinese nation was behind. The reason why Chinese characters are left behind is that Chinese characters do not apply to modern communications, printing, spreading, not suitable for "computerization", not suitable for modern industrial production, and so on. However, it is precisely the development of modern computer technology, word processing is widely used, in turn, proved that Chinese characters is actually the most practical, most efficient, the most advanced of a text. Mr. He Qiongxiong said in his book in Japan: In Japan, at the turn of the seventies and eighties, the last cornerstone of the text reform collapsed with the progress of technology in computer kanji.

The same is true in China. Modern "digital" computer technology came out, the practicality and efficiency of Chinese characters gradually emerged out. "Digital computer" converts all phenomena, objects, images, text, and data into "data", and then processes the data: storage, calculation, transmission, communication, communication, display, printing and so on. At present, computer technology has deepened all aspects of social life, including various industries. And the language, the text of the largest modern printing industry, publishing industry, newspapers, media, etc., are more inseparable from the computer. And just in these modern languages ​​related to the language and language, Chinese characters show greater superiority than phonetic characters: computer processing (including transmission, communication) Chinese characters and Chinese than phonetic characters faster, more efficient About 3.7 to 4.0 times higher); Chinese is more suitable for the future application and development of smart computers, and so on. In short, the development of modern computer technology to enable Chinese characters to obtain a new vitality. The image of the Chinese people used to "thinking" rather than the West, as the "logical thinking"; they said, "logical thinking "Making Western science developed and" image thinking "made China science underdeveloped. However, this theory has long been proved to be completely wrong. Modern theory even argues that people who are accustomed to "image thinking" are more creative and that "logical thinking" alone does not have great creations. The great scientist Einstein said that he was accustomed to thinking with the image, rather than using the symbol to think; this is the "image of thinking." Yang Zhenning, Li Zhendao are used to "image thinking" of the Chinese people. Their "image thinking" made them break the "parity law", won the Nobel Prize, once again rewritten the history of human science development. Therefore, China's underdevelopment of science, China should be another reason behind, can not blame the Chinese characters.


        先說說日本政府的「文字改革」走了多遠。        雖然「羅馬字日語論」、「改用英語說」在日本學界和政界內甚囂塵上,政府也努力在中小學實施羅馬字教育,但日本的漢字改革一般都從限制漢字的字數開始,而且幾十年間實際上一直在兜兜轉轉,沒有甚麼突破。1923年公佈了1,962字的<常用漢字表>和154字的<簡體字表>,當時的目標很明確:希望通過這個<常用漢字表>很制漢字的字數,以後再逐步減少以至達到以假名替代漢字的目的。1938年日本政府的「漢字主查委員會」經過100次審議,於1942年通過的<標準漢字表>,卻收用了2,528個漢字。1945年,主宰日本教育的佔領軍總司令部下令「把漢字限制在1,500字以內,外語和數學的教科書用羅馬字母編寫」,審議會提出把<常用漢字表>限制到1,295個字。這個議案,又被說成「用於教育太多,用於社會生活太少」而被全體會議否決了,最後公佈了1,850字的<當用漢字表>。1951年眾議院通過了以<當用漢字表>為依據但不強制執行的「改正案」,又為限制使用漢字鬆綁,漢字改革又退了回去。        這以後,隨著電腦技術的發展,日本的電腦文字處理有了長足的發展,解決了一系漢字的形成、輸入、儲存、顯示、打印等一系列技術問題,漢字在電腦應用上不但不再是個間題,而且在在顯示了它的優越性。這反過來暴露了<常用漢字表>、<當用漢字表>等一系列漢字改革方案的問題。        1978年,日本政府公佈有6,355字的JIS X 0208漢字編碼標準;1983年又有JIS X 6626-1983標準,等等。漢字的編碼標準字數一直在增加,也一直被兼不夠用。
終於有了1993年的JIS X 0221的20,902字編碼標準。接著,有了1996年的<表外漢字字體表試案>,日本政府在公布該方案時并且聲明,它「是法令、公用文書、報紙、雜誌、廣播電視等一般社會生活中,使用表外漢字字體的依據」「這個字體表將明治以來傳統的印刷文字字體﹝并非<康熙字典>字體的本身,而是以<康熙字典>為依據作成的明治以來的鉛字字體即<康熙字典體>﹞置於印刷標準字體的地位。」
How far was the abolition of the Chinese character movement?

        First talk about the Japanese government's "text reform" how far away. Although the Roman language of the Roman language, "to speak in English," in the Japanese academia and political circles in the clamor, the government also efforts to implement Romanesian education in primary and secondary schools, but the Japanese kanji reform generally from the words to limit the number of Chinese characters, and a few Ten years actually has been in the pocket to turn, there is no breakthrough. 1923 published 1,962 words of the "common Chinese characters table" and 154 words of the <simplified word table>, then the goal is clear: hope that through the "common Chinese characters table" is the number of Chinese characters, and then gradually reduced to reach the pseudonym Replace the purpose of Chinese characters. In 1938 the Japanese government's "Chinese characters investigation committee" after 100 times in 1942 passed the "standard Chinese characters table", but received 2,528 Chinese characters. In 1945, the General Commander of the Occupied Army, which had dominated Japan's education, ordered the text of "writing Chinese characters to 1,500 words or less in foreign languages ​​and mathematics in Roman numerals." The council proposed to limit the number of commonly used Chinese characters to 1,295 words. The bill was also said to be "used for education too much for too little social life" and was rejected by the plenary meeting. Finally, 1,850 words were published. In 1951 the House of Representatives passed the "corrections" which was based on the Chinese characters, but was not enforced. For the purpose of restricting the use of Chinese characters, the Chinese characters reformed and returned. After this, with the development of computer technology, the Japanese computer word processing has made great progress, to solve a series of Chinese characters formation, input, storage, display, print and a series of technical problems, Chinese characters in computer applications not only no longer Is a problem, but also shows its superiority. This, in turn, exposes the problem of a series of Chinese characters, such as the use of Chinese characters. In 1978, the Japanese government published 6,355 words JIS X 0208 Chinese character coding standards; 1983, JIS X 6626-1983 standards, and so on. Chinese characters coding standard word has been increasing, has also been not enough to use.

And finally has the 1993 JIS X 0221 20,902 word coding standard. Then, in 1996, the Japanese government announced the program and stated that it was "in the general social life, such as ordinances, public documents, newspapers, magazines, radio and television, the use of off-balance-sheet Chinese characters The font of the font "The font table since the Meiji since the traditional printed text font (not <Kangxi Dictionary> font itself, but to" Kangxi Dictionary "as the basis for the creation of the word since the Meiji font that is <Kangxi Dictionary> In the printing of the standard font status. "At this point, Japan's" abolition of the Chinese character movement "is a full stop, the Japanese characters finally" return to the ancestors "," ancestors "to return to the" Kangxi Dictionary "and" Kangxi Dictionary " The This is a Chinese culture on the Western culture of a victory. ﹝ Note: "return to the ancestors" is the Japanese themselves said, see the commercial library He Qiongxiong <Chinese characters in Japan, a book)

中國的文字改革運動有著與日本類似和雷同的過程。        「我們有1956年的第一批漢字簡化方案,一表共收簡化字230個,二表285個,三表54個。1964年出版<簡化字總表>收字2,238個。同時期又公佈了<漢語拼音方案>。論者確定:「當初制定漢語拼音方案有兩個目的,近期目的是為漢字注音,遠期目的是為實得拼音文字做準備。」﹝見翰承著<漢字百問>上海古籍出版社﹞
        1977年文化大革命期間,國家公佈了第二批漢字簡化方案。該「二簡」方案把漢字更進一步簡化,加「廢除漢字」的方向又多走一步。所幸1986年國務院發出通知,決定停止使用「二簡」方案中的簡化字。對將來是不是還要繼續簡化漢字,國務院上述通知說「應持慎重態度」。學者們說:「這并不意味著簡化字的方向錯了。」﹝見翰承著<漢字百問>上海古籍出版社﹞        由於GB2312的二千餘漢字實在不縛使用,1990年6月,中國又公佈了【GB/T12345】即【信息交換用字編碼字符集輔助集】,該集共收集6866個漢字,是關于繁體漢字的第一套國家標準,它企圖解決與六千七百個簡體字相對應的繁體字,但其實根本滿足不了需求,所以也幾乎不被大多數電腦系統所採用﹝包括IBM、徵軟甚致中國國內的電腦系統都沿用台灣政府的Big5大五碼﹞。        1995年12月,中國政府再制定了【漢字內碼擴展規範】即【GBK】標準碼集。這一次它共收集了20902個漢字;它除向下與【GB2312】編碼兼容外,更重要的是向上支持ISO10646.1國際標準。該標準是國際組織ISO制定的通用編碼標準﹝該標準1993年被中國政府以【GB13000.1】的形式認可。【GB13000.1】共收錄了包括簡繁在內的20,902個漢字,簡繁漢字處同一平台。        2000年7月,中國政府公佈了【GB18030】信息交換字編符碼,并規定從2001年初強制執行。這個標準比【GB13000.1】進一步,共涵蓋了27,484個漢字,也是簡繁漢字處同一平台。這是一套國際標準組織認可的漢字「大字符集國際標準」。

Chinese (including cross-strait), Japanese characters can be unified?
China's text reform movement has a similar and similar process with Japan. "We have the first batch of Chinese characters in 1956 to simplify the program, a table received a total of 230 simplified words, two tables 285, three tables 54. 1964 published" summary of the summary table "received 2,238. "The original phonetic program has two purposes, the recent purpose is to write for the Chinese characters, the long-term purpose is to prepare for the real phonetic alphabet." > Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House)
"Jane" and "Chinese Pinyin program" to the Chinese mainland into the "abolition of Chinese characters" of the start process. During the Cultural Revolution in 1977, the state announced the second batch of simplified Chinese characters. The "two simple" program to further simplify the Chinese characters, plus "abolition of Chinese characters," the direction of another step. Fortunately, in 1986 the State Council issued a notice, decided to stop using the "two simple" program in the simplified word. If the future is to continue to simplify the Chinese characters, the State Council said the above notice should be "cautious." "This does not mean that the direction of the word is wrong," the scholars said, "in the same way as the GB2312 more than two thousand characters are not used, in June 1990, China has also published [GB / T12345] that is [information exchange with the word encoding character set auxiliary set], the collection of a total of 6866 Chinese characters, is on the traditional Chinese characters of the first set of national standards, it attempts to solve with six thousand seven hundred Simplified Chinese characters, but in fact can not meet the needs, so it is almost not used by most computer systems (including IBM, soft and soft even in China's domestic computer systems are using the Taiwan government Big5 big five yards). In December 1995, the Chinese government and then enacted the [Chinese character code expansion specification] that is [GBK] standard code set. This time it collected a total of 20902 Chinese characters; it is in addition to down with the [GB2312] code compatibility, the more important is to support ISO10646.1 international standards. The standard is the international organization ISO developed a common coding standard (the standard in 1993 by the Chinese government to [GB13000.1] in the form of recognition. [GB13000.1] included a total of 20,902 Chinese characters, including Simplified Chinese, simplified Chinese characters at the same platform. July 2000, the Chinese government announced the [GB18030] information exchange word code, and the provisions from the beginning of 2001 to enforce. This standard is more than [GB13000.1], covering a total of 27,484 Chinese characters, but also simplified Chinese characters at the same platform. This is a set of international standards organizations recognized Chinese characters "large character set international standards."

Although [GB / T12345] has received more than 6,000 traditional characters, [GB13000.1] included a total of 20,902 Chinese characters, including Simplified Chinese, Chinese and Japanese characters in the computer and communications field has been gradually unified, However, unlike Japan, China has not yet, as in the case of the Japanese government, allowed the use of the national standard word set [GB13000.1] and [in GB13000.1] in the general social life of "laws, public documents, newspapers, magazines, radio and television" GB18030] in all the more than 20,000 Chinese characters. In the field of computer and communications, China's Chinese characters have not yet "recognized ancestors". However, it is believed that with the computer in the national institutions and people's social life in all aspects of more and more widely used, China Simplified Chinese characters in the social life of the full parallel share, has been a necessity.

注一:﹝見香港<明報月刊>2003年第一期楊振寧文<看清歷史發展 努力創建人生>﹞
注二:有論者曰「在大陸,從二三十年代起,文改“激進派”(以瞿秋白爲代表)認爲,20世紀用漢字是“時代的錯誤”,必須廢除漢字,改用某種拼音文字,③甚至發出“漢字不滅,中國必亡”的憤激言論。從50年代起,“激進派”思想佔據著文改的主導地位,他們決心在改用拼音文字之前,加緊對漢字進行改革,爭取用 10年或30年時間消滅漢字。漢字在這場改革運動中受到了猛烈的衝擊。」陳建民作<仲介理論與漢字簡化>,原載香港《語文建設通訊》第60期,1999年7月。
Note 1: see Hong Kong <Mingzhao monthly> 2003 the first phase of Yang Zhenning Wen <see history development efforts to create life>

Note: "On the mainland, from the twenty or thirty years, the text reform" radical "(to Qu Qiubai as the representative) that the 20th century with Chinese characters is" the wrong times ", must abolish the Chinese characters, use a From the 50's onwards, the "radical" thought occupies the dominant position of the cultural reform, they are determined to use the phonetic alphabet before, to intensify the Chinese characters to the Chinese characters, and so on. Reform, and strive to use 10 years or 30 years to eliminate Chinese characters. Chinese characters in this reform movement has been a heavy impact. "Chen Jianmin for" Chinese theory and simplified Chinese characters, "the original contained in Hong Kong" language construction communication "60, 1999 Year in July.

2 条评论:

  1. "日"這字原是英文 Re,古埃及太陽神三位一體神之一,亦可讀成RA (台語"熱")

  2. 日本是中國的亞述帝國
