
言-70 说 [說]Ⅰ(动) ① speak; talk; say ② explain ③ scold Ⅱ(名) theory; teachings; doctrine

说  Knowing is not to say the word, but also Phonogram. Speech is language, the shape of mouth to speak against the human being, made for the pictogram; against the acoustic character. "Said the text" Note: "that the release from words, talk against one said said." That is to say talk, talk said. Here refers to persuasion, lobbying, that is to convince others of their own ideas or opinions agree.

说  He says (ibid.) Referred to herein express in words meaning, also known as talk. Extended explanation of the process, advice, blame, Yue He, introduction. As a noun, referring to views, ideas, truth and so on.

说  说是会意字,也是形声字。言是语言,兌象人张口说话之形,言为形符;兌为声符。《说文》注:“说,释也。从言、兑。一曰谈说。”说即说话、谈说。此处指说服、游说,即说服别人同意自己之主张或意见。
 [] () try to persuade

 []()  speak; talk; say  explain  scold () theory; teachings; doctrine

