
羊-25 着 (名) ① ② trick; device; move ③ put in ④ all right (动) ① touch ② feel; catch ③ burn; light ④ be affected by ⑤ fall asleep; go to sleep

着   The forward is knowing the word. On sheep, under the eye, like when sheep graze gaze of a shape. Knowing far as the eye of the the food. As a verb, it means to place, put into. Spoken by means promised, I agreed. Extended plan, ways to move forward (when playing chess called a step forward).

 ()  a move in chess  trick; device; move  put in  all right


 ()  touch  feel; catch  burn; light  be affected by  fall asleep; go to sleep


 ()  indicating an action in progress stressing the tone in an imperative sentence  used after a verb to form a preposition


 () touch; come into contact with  wear  send

