
羊-18 养 [養] (动) ① support; provide for ② raise; keep; grow ③ give birth to ④ form; acquire; cultivate ⑤ convalesce; recuperate ⑥ maintain

养   Oracle raised the hand Zhibian like driving a flock shape. Yang Yi-kai, animal husbandry and animal husbandry with cattle pictogram, raising sheep as pictogram. "Said the text" Note: "support from the food, the sound of the sheep.." This means raising breeding, feeding, support. Cited Shen Fuyu, maintenance, nourishment, training, training, support and other.

   甲骨文象以手执鞭驱赶羊群之形。牧与养偕义,牧以牛为形符,养以羊为形符。《说文》注:“供养也。从食,羊声。” 养本指饲养、喂养、供养。引申抚育、赡养、滋养、修养、培养、扶持等。
 [] ()  support; provide for  raise; keep; grow  give birth to  form; acquire; cultivate  convalesce; recuperate  maintain

