
羊-5 羌 [羗] (名) name of a minority group in China

羌   Qiang Qiang people like the ancient Oracle shape of clothing accessories. "Wen said," NOTE: ". Rong shepherds from the people, from the sheep, the sheep are sound." That Xi Rong Qiang, the ancient Qiang name. Ancient Qiang nomads. Now Qiang still inhabited in Sichuan, Gansu area. Liangshan Yi is also an ancient Qiang, the rear part of the migration to the Liangshan region of Sichuan and Yunnan.

   甲骨文象古代羌族人民衣着饰物之形。《说文》注:“西戎牧羊人也。从人,从羊,羊亦声。” 羌谓西戎,古代羌族名。古代羌族是游牧民族。现羌族仍聚居于四川、甘肃一带。凉山彝族古亦为羌族之一支,后迁徙至四川凉山及云南部分地区。
 [] () name of a minority group in China

