
页-8 顶 [頂]Ⅰ(名) top; peak; summit Ⅱ(动) ① carry on the head ② retort ③ go against; brave ④ push from below; prop up ⑤gore; butt ⑥ equal; be equivalent to Ⅲ(量)used for sth. with a top Ⅳ(副) very; the most

顶   Ding is the top Phonogram. Pages pictogram; T is the sound character. "Said the text" Note: "Britain from this page, Ding sound.." Refers to the top of the upper part of the head, also refers to the upper part of the body. Refers to the upper limit, the highest point. Implied facing, contradict, instead, assume the like.

 []() top; peak; summit ()  carry on the head  retort  go against; brave  push from below; prop up gore; butt  equal; be equivalent to ()used for sth. with a top () very; the most

