
转载:折腾汉字 Tossing Chinese characters

Tossing Chinese characters:
The Mistakes in the Reform of Chinese Writing
 2015-03-26 16:50:00

Through theoretical research and teaching practice, for Chinese characters, I have a sense of decoding. And the study and translation of Chinese characters password, making the Chinese characters to become the world's best learning text, it is like Yuan Longping change rice gene production grain, its significance is huge. And the reason why the first Chinese language has been made into the world's most difficult to learn the language difficult to write the text, not the Chinese language itself but the Chinese teaching methods caused by improper.

Comprehensive evaluation of the text reform

The reform of Chinese characters was a very loud slogan, the name of the Commission for the Reform of Texts had existed for many years, and now the mainstream school of philosophers are almost the successors of reformers. The text reform committee changed its name to the language work committee many years ago, and as a reform direction and goal of the abolition of Chinese characters, the Chinese take the way of Pinyin Road has also been indefinitely postponed. But why not do this again, and wherever it was or wherever it was, and no one came out to talk or discuss it, as in many other questions, the people did not or did not allow for further research and Theory, and the difficult to learn the problem is not a good solution. It is undeniable that people are increasingly degenerate in Chinese proficiency, and that the Chinese are in front of them. It is necessary to fundamentally reflect on a hundred years of Chinese text reform, comment on its merits, to promote Chinese learning.


My research shows that the earliest reform of the Chinese characters is to make Chinese characters easier to learn, this is worthy of recognition, but also meritorious. But its direction and method is wrong. As for many of the reformers of the past, like many reformers in the world, only reform and reform, to the negative as an obstacle to reform and progress. They always believe that the reason why Chinese characters are difficult to learn because of Chinese characters rather than Chinese learning methods so it is committed to the reform of Chinese characters, and this is wrong, but they have more than 100 years "a road to the black", which determines their results Limited and final failure fate. Their greatest success is in the creation of Pinyin, the promotion of Putonghua - on the victory, they have done a job so far mixed the work is to simplify the Chinese characters, as some people still (want) to take the Chinese characters with Pinyin, engage in a double This kind of unpopularity is not the way to talk to himself, it is even their motives are worthy of our doubts. "Chinese characters behind", "Chinese language is difficult to learn" is their theoretical basis and the premise of reform, any contrary to the point of view, any of the practice of Chinese language is their inevitable to oppose. This view of hegemony, after obtaining a monopoly will inevitably lead to serious consequences.

The Curse of Chinese in Early Text Reformers

Unlike the reform of the text in history, the reform of modern Chinese characters has a strong political background, which is a reflection and response to China's backwardness and national survival crisis. Chinese characters are difficult to learn, behind the Chinese characters, the three sides seem to be a causal relationship between each other, with the corresponding, Pinyin advanced, Pinyin studious, Western strong causal relationship between the three seems to be self-evident. Look at the early text reformers on the curse of Chinese, simply can not believe from the mouth of the Chinese people, from the mouth of scholars. Here a little cited one, I am not framed.


A hundred years ago, the Chinese nation fell into an unprecedented disaster, national crisis, A large number of intellectuals with a strong sense of crisis and patriotism, looking for the roots of China's backward beaten. They found the decadent decline of the Qing government, found the Confucius and Mencius Road, also found the basic carrier of Chinese culture --- Chinese characters. Tan Sidong called for "to change the hieroglyphics (ie, Chinese characters) for the harmony (that is, phonetic)", Cai Yuanpei that: "Since the words can not be reform, can be directly switch to Latin letters." Lu Xun said: "Chinese characters are the weapon of the policy of obscurantism" and "tuberculosis of the working people". "If you do not remove it first, the result is only to die." (Lu Xun's total, six volumes and sixty pages) "If Chinese characters are also a tuberculosis in China, the bacteria are potentially inside," "If you do not remove it first, the result is only dead" because of the hardships of Chinese characters, so that the majority of the people of the whole of China , Forever and forward the cultural isolation, the Chinese people, will never be smart, understand their own squeeze, understand the crisis of the whole nation.I am a bit deep by the Chinese characters, so I firmly advocate the new text To replace this barrier to the progress of the public Chinese characters. "Qian Xuantong announced:" the evil of Chinese characters, such as difficult to understand, difficult to write, hinder the popularity of education, knowledge dissemination "," use Pinyin is a permanent solution to reduce the current Chinese characters strokes are a way to solve the problem ... ... the temporary solution is the most important way. "To avoid the general people's naive, brutal thinking, especially in the first waste of Chinese," Qian Xuantong hope that China can abolish the Chinese characters, "want to make the Chinese intellectual development, clear-headed "It is enough to prove that the old Chinese birthday is too late to be used for the new life of the twentieth century science." Qian Xuantong also said that "Chinese characters, on their shape, is non-phonetic, and for the end of the hieroglyphics, is not easy to understand, not easy to write; on its meaning, the meaning of vague, grammar very sophisticated; Today's knowledge of the application, the new management, new things, new things noun, nothing; on the history of the past, then nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine for the records of the door and Taoist teachings So that the Chinese people will not die, want to make the Chinese nation for the twentieth century civilization of the nation, will non-Confucianism, the destruction of Taoism as the fundamental solution, and waste records Kongmu doctrine and Taoist demon language of the Chinese, especially the fundamental solution to the fundamental solution. Fu Sinian said: "The origin of Chinese writing is extremely brutal, its shape is very strange, understanding is very inconvenient, the application is extremely uneconomical, really stupid, and thick, cattle and ghosts and gods of the text, is really the world's first inconvenient appliances. Hu Yizhi argues that he can say that he can break the wonders of words and deeds, and that he can write freely ... after the words are written in the habit of saying that every word represents only the voice and does not represent Meaning, then, to cancel the box word, switch to Latin, naturally not a problem. "Wu Chihui in the" New Century "No. 40 said," Chinese text, sooner or later will be waste. " Hu Shi and Chen Duxiu in the money, Wu's article published immediately agreed. Chen Duxiu said: "... only to waste Chinese, and save Chinese. And the use of Roman alphabet book." The initiators and leaders of Chinese Latinization have, from the beginning of the twentieth century, politically characterized Chinese characters as a tool for "feudal society" and "ruling class oppression of the masses". September 26, 1931 in Vladivostok held, Wu Yuzhang and others to participate in the new Chinese text of the first congress passed the "Chinese characters Latinization principles and rules." This is the first principle of the Chinese text reform movement, which states that "Chinese characters are the product of ancient and feudal society and have become one of the tools of the ruling class to oppress labor." Obstacles, has not adapted to the present era. "(Cited in Wu Yuzhang:" text reform Collection ", Renmin University of China Press, December 1978 first edition, p. 58) thirty-year leftist Qu Qiubai said: Really is the world's most dirty and the most bastard of the medieval Mao pit. "(Qu Qiubai collection of two volumes sixty-nine.) In Qu Qiubai eyes, Latin characters are printed with ISO9001 label toilet, on behalf of advanced civilization. The abolition of Chinese characters, "take the world's common phonetic road", which is Mao Zedong's "highest instructions." Chen Duxiu strongly advocated the abolition of Chinese characters, said the Chinese text, both difficult to carry new things new reason, and for the idea of ​​the nest of the cave, waste sincere lack of pity. "Chinese medicine is neither a solution to the structure of the human body, but no matter the analysis of the matter." But the fifth meeting of the Health and Health, "said Chen Duxiu, who was slightly more moderate and thought that everything was going slowly. Xiao Chou said: "Chinese culture only small feet and braids," "In addition to feet and braids, what is the Eastern civilization - the Chinese civilization - the unique? What is the philosophy of the Eastern philosophers?" Hu said "The Chinese people will have to admit that they are not as good as people," is "stupid and lazy." "The Chinese people must" National "," a decent person, nine cents do not grow into the nation ". "I think that China should have a phonetic alphabet in the future, but there are too many tones in the text, and it must not be phonetic, so it is necessary to replace the words in the vernacular with the words of the vernacular and then turn the words of the vernacular into phonetic characters." Hu Shih holding this claim, although it is expedient, but his vernacular movement so that the Chinese characters "hieroglyphics remnant" can climb out of the medieval Mao pit, how much is saved Chinese characters. "The Chinese character is one of the products of the ancient and feudal society and has become one of the tools of the ruling class to oppress and labor." (The Chinese New Language Congress adopted the "Chinese Character Latinization New text of the principles and rules "Article 1). The "master" and "master" of the Chinese language school echoed the international public opinion in the 1980s, saying that "the computer is a grave digger of Chinese characters" and "Chinese characters are going to be". Mr. Lu Shuxiang on March 6, 1983 to reiterate his past, consistent on the backwardness of Chinese characters and the Latin American superiority of the proposition. He said: "Pinyin text can be mechanized, Chinese characters can not be mechanized" ("Lu Shuxiang anthology" Volume IV 91 pages); "Chinese characters plus language, with feudal society plus bureaucratic politics, phonetic language language with industrial society and democratic politics - this is "The art is destined to decline," the Chinese characters "now the passage of the old Song (in fact, the late Ming Dynasty only), the Chinese calligraphy" It is ugly can, it touches the foreign stamp a, b, c, d, sometimes also really have a beautiful font. "(" Lv Shuxiang anthology "Volume IV 113 pages). His conclusion is that Chinese characters can not be oriented to the world, facing the future and facing modernization. (See "Lu Shuxiang anthology" Volume IV 134-138) Chinese characters Latinization of the authority of the publication of "language modernization" series in 1980, the first period declared: "box Chinese characters in the computer encountered difficulties, like a line of wood on the aging Patient "," History will prove that the computer is a hexagram of Chinese characters and a midwife of the Chinese phonetic alphabet. "(" Language Modernization, 1980, p. 71 "), in conjunction with the Chinese character" On the other hand, the deputy director of the China Text Reform Committee and the Secretary-General Ni Haishu and the 1958 National People's Congress on the "Chinese Pinyin program" resolution and Zhou Enlai "current text reform task" provides "Chinese Pinyin program" (See "Language Modernization", 1981, pp. 62, p. 89), and is anxious for the "Hanyu Pinyin" and "Hanyu Pinyin" Midwifery. " (Chen Duxiu as the "five, four" new culture movement of the standard-bearer, his attitude will be more prudent.Although he initially agreed with Qian Xuantong's claim, and in 1927-1928 wrote the "Chinese phonetic draft" manuscript, However, he has not adopted a hatred and destructive attitude to the Chinese characters, and since 1910 he published the "Letters", he has been intermittently conducting the research work of Chinese characters, which is a constructive attitude. The work of the maintenance of Chinese characters. "Primary school literacy teaching" writing, more shows his final attitude to the Chinese character.He is not actively for the disappearance of Chinese characters to actively work, but to seriously study the law of Chinese characters, This is in the maintenance of Chinese characters, the development of Chinese characters, the promotion of Chinese characters.


What is the error of the text reformer?

The reform of the text is the starting point is to change the Chinese characters difficult to learn, so that people better grasp the Chinese characters. But the Chinese characters are difficult to learn itself is a problem rather than a conclusion, even if it is difficult to learn there are not good Chinese characters or Chinese characters teaching methods are not two possible, and the Chinese reformers identified as Chinese characters Chinese characters are backward. There are four errors: one is that the problem lies in the Chinese characters is their fundamental error, the second is the criticism of Chinese and the praise of the phonetic alphabet is wrong, three of their various "reform" In addition to phonetic phonetic notation) are also problems of failure, and insist on error and abuse of power is wrong on the wrong.

Whether the Chinese characters are difficult to learn Pinyin text is eager to learn. This seems to be a matter of years of debate, to solve this problem first to make clear what is "learning". Learning is a kind of thinking activity, and the essence of consciousness is that the human brain reflects the objective things. The text is a man must master the tool, first of all depends on whether people can easily grasp it, can not look at whether to read good input, but to see if it is easy to identify, I call it well into the human brain, this is The first one. Because so far, mankind has not found a way to rely on medicine injections will be able to enter the minds of people remember to master it, and still rely on learning by their own memory can be put into my mind, so easy to grasp the memory is the most important things. If both easy to remember and read, good to write, good input two aspects of unity, of course, the best, can not be unified that it is necessary to distinguish between priorities, not cart before the horse. Easy to enter the human brain (easy to remember) it is good, not easy to read bad to write the problem of the machine either does not exist, or not difficult to solve; in turn, even if it is good read good input, can not say it Studious If we use Arabic numerals instead of Chinese characters, to 60,000 Chinese characters are numbered, although it is good to write good read good, but not a good memory. Learning is the ear and mouth of the brain and facial features, but the fundamental or the mind. The brain is the nerve center of the human body, the commander of all the spiritual activities, talking with the mouth, obedient with the ear, read the word with the eye, writing hand, but the facial features are the brain command, the most precise and most important brain, the brain no other Organ is a disabled but can learn, but there are other organs and no brain is a plant can not learn, the British scientist Hawking only the brain, does not prevent him to become a great scientist, wealth is not so much the hands of the brain is created. If only from the imitation of the sense that people can repeat and write any text they do not understand, but this is not literacy, only the brain really understand the language and text we say that people will speak will write. Even for the national language, but also will say that there is no culture, knowledge will write a culture called, and this is a text into the human brain process. Theory and practice can prove that Chinese characters are not difficult to recognize, Pinyin text is not learning (recognition), the Chinese people are not easy to learn foreign language, with phonetic transcription of the country is also a lot of proof of the same (such as the understanding of the word pig, Word, to grasp the pig, meat, pork, pork these four words, pork, pig is a new word but not a new word, know the pig, the meat and I do not know what the meaning of pork is probably impossible, English pig is pig, meat is meat, pork is pork, hog is hog, which need to remember and master the four words, is twice the amount of Chinese memory, foreigners outside the English know pig, meat after the decision Do not know

 2015-03-26 16:50:00





我的研究证明,最早的汉字改革者初衷是让汉字更容易学习,这个值得肯定,也有所建功。但其方向和方法则是错误的。至于后来的众多改革者,则像世界上许多改革者一样,只是为改革而改革,走向反面成为改革和进步的阻碍者。他们始终认为汉字难学的原因在于汉字而不是汉字学习方法所以才致力于改革汉字,而这种认定错误的,但他们百多年来「一条道走到黑」,这就决定了他们成果的有限和最终的失败命运。他们最大的成功是在创制拼音、推广普通话——上取得了胜利,他们做了一件至今毁誉参半的工作是简化汉字,至于一些人还在(想)走取消汉字用拼音,搞一语双文这种不得人心大谬不然自说自话的路,则是连其动机都值得我们怀疑的了。 「汉字落后」、「汉语难学」是他们的理论基础和改革前提,任何与此相反的观点,任何使汉语易学的做法都是他们必然要反对的。这种观点取得霸权、获得垄断后更必然造成严重后果。


与历史上的文字改革不同,近代汉字改革有着强烈的政治背景,是对中国落后挨打、民族生存危机的反思和反应。汉字难学,汉字落后,中国落后三者似乎是一种互为因果的关系,与此对应,拼音先进, 拼音好学,西方强盛三者之间的因果关系似乎也是不言而喻的。看看早期文字改革者对汉语的诅咒,简直不能相信出自中国人之口,出自学者之口。这里略引一二,证我非诬。


一百年前,中华民族陷入了空前的灾难,国难当头,亡国无日。一大批知识分子怀着强烈的危机感和爱国心,寻找着中国落后挨打的根源。他们找到了腐朽没落的清政府,找到了孔孟之道,也找到了中国文化的基本载体---汉字。谭嗣同号召「尽改象形文字(即汉字)为谐声(即拼音文字)」 ,蔡元培认为:「汉字既然不能不改革,尽可直接的改用拉丁字母了」。鲁迅说:「汉字是愚民政策的利器」,是「劳苦大众身上的结核」,「倘不先除去它,结果只有自己死。」(鲁迅全集六卷一六○页)他断言,「汉字不灭,中国必亡!」,「汉字也是中国劳苦大众身上的一个结核,病菌都潜在里面,」「倘若不先除去它,结果只有自己死」「因为汉字的艰深,使全中国大多数的人民,永远和前进的文化隔离,中国的人民,决不会聪明起来,理解自身所遭受的压榨,理解整个民族的危机。我是自身受汉字苦痛很深的一个人,因此我坚决主张以新文字来替代这种障碍大众进步的汉字。」 钱玄同宣布:「汉字的罪恶,如难识、难写、妨碍教育的普及、知识的传播」,「改用拼音是治本的办法,减省现行汉字笔画是治标的办法.……治标的办法实是目前最切要的办法」。 「废孔学,不可不先废汉文;欲驱除一般人之幼稚的、野蛮的思想,尤不可不先废汉文」,钱玄同希望中国能废除汉字,「欲使中国人智识长进,头脑清楚,非将汉字根本打倒不可。」因为「处处都足以证明(汉字)这个老寿星的不合时宜,过不惯二十世纪科学昌明时代的新生活」。钱玄同还说,「中国文字,论其字形,则非拼音,而为象形文字的末流,不便于识,不便于写;论其字意,则意义含糊,文法极不精密;论其在今日学问上之应用,则新理、新事、新物之名词,一无所有;论其过去之历史,则千分之九百九十九为记载孔门学说及道教妖言之记号...。欲使中国不亡,欲使中国民族为二十世纪文明之民族,必以非孔学、滅道教为根本之解决,而废记载孔门学说及道教妖言之汉文,尤为根本解决之根本解决。」傅斯年说:「中国文字的起源是极野蛮的,其形状是极奇异,认识是极不便,应用是极不经济,真是又笨、又粗、牛鬼蛇神的文字,真是天下第一不方便的器具。 」胡愈之主张大写别字,他认为,写别字「就可以打破望文生义的习惯,而且别字可以自由地写,……别字写成习惯以后,每一个字只代表声音,并不能代表一意义,到那时,取消方块字,改用拉丁文,自然不成问题。」吴稚晖在「新世纪」第40号上说,「中国文字,迟早必废」。胡适和陈独秀在钱、吴的文章发表后,立刻表示赞同。陈独秀说:「...惟有先废汉文,且存汉语。而改用罗马字母书之」。汉字拉丁化的发起者和领导者从二十世纪初就从政治上将汉字定性为「封建社会」「统治阶级压迫劳苦群众」的工具。 1931年9月26日在海参崴召开的,吴玉章等人参加的中国新文字第一次代表大会通过了《中国汉字拉丁化的原则和规则》。这一指导中国文字改革运动的纲领性文件,其第一条原则称:「大会认为中国汉字是古代与封建社会的产物,已经变成统治阶级压迫劳苦群众工具之一,实为广大人民识字的障碍,已不适应现在的时代。」(转引自吴玉章:《文字改革文集》,中国人民大学出版社1978年12月第一版,第58页)三十年代的左翼作家瞿秋白说:「汉字真正是世界上最龌龊最恶劣最混蛋的中世纪的茅坑。」(瞿秋白文集二卷六九○页。)在瞿秋白眼里,拉丁文字是印有ISO9001标签的抽水马桶,代表先进文明。废除汉字,「走世界共同的拼音化道路」,这是毛泽东的「最高指示」。陈独秀强烈地主张废除汉字,说中国文字,既难载新事新理,且为腐毒思想之巢窟,废之诚不足惜。 」 「中医既不解人身之构造,复不事药性之分析。……惟知附会五行生克寒热阴阳之说。」陈独秀只是态度稍显温和一些,认为一切都得慢慢来。萧楚女说:「中国文化只有小脚和辫子」,「除了小脚和辫子之外,还有什么是东方文明——中国文明——所特有的?还有什么是东方先哲的哲学之特质?」胡适说:「汉字不灭,中国必亡!」「象形文字的残根余孽能爬出中世纪的茅坑,多少算是救了汉字。」中国人「必须承认自己百事不如人」,是「又蠢又懒的民族」,「一分像人,九分像鬼的不长进民族」。 「我以为中国将来应该有拼音的文字。但是文言中单音太多,决不能变成拼音文字。所以必需先用白话文字来代替文言的文字,然后把白话的文字变成拼音的文字」。胡适持此主张,虽是权宜之计,但他的白话文运动让汉字这个「象形文字的残根余孽」能爬出中世纪的茅坑,多少算是救了汉字。具有中华民族骨气的老一辈的科学工作者认为, 「汉字是古代与封建社会的产物,已变成了统治阶级压迫劳苦民众工具之一」(中国新文字代表大会通过的《中国汉字拉丁化新文字的原则和规则》第一条)。中国语文学界的「大师」和「宗师」在二十世纪八十年代与国际舆论相呼应,认为「电子计算机是汉字的掘墓人」,「汉字行将就木」。吕叔湘先生于1983年3月6日重申他过去的、一贯的关于汉字落后论和汉字拉丁化优越论的主张。他说:「拼音文字能机械化,汉字不能机械化」(《吕叔湘文集》第四卷91页);「汉字加文言,配合封建社会加官僚政治,拼音加语体文配合工业化社会加民主政治——这是现代化的两个方面。」(《吕叔湘文集》第四卷116页);汉字书法「这一项艺术注定了要衰落」,汉字「现在通行的老宋体(其实是明朝后期才有的),实在丑得可以,倒是外国印书的a,b,c,d,有时候还倒真有很美的字体呢。」(《吕叔湘文集》第四卷113页)。他的结论就是汉字不能面向世界,面向未来和面向现代化。 (参见《吕叔湘文集》第四卷134—138页)中国汉字拉丁化的权威刊物《语文现代化》丛刊1980年第一期宣告:「方块汉字在电子计算机上遇到的困难,好像一个行将就木的衰老病人」,「历史将证明:电子计算机是方块汉字的掘墓人,也是汉语拼音文字的助产士。」(《语文现代化》1980年第一期,第71页)与汉字「行将就木」论相配合,另一方面,中国文字改革委员会副主任叶籁士和秘书长倪海曙则与1958年全国人民代表大会关于《汉语拼音方案》的决议和周恩来《当前文字改革的任务》中规定《汉语拼音方案》不是拼音文字的原则唱反调,大造《汉语拼音方案》就是「拼音文字」(参见《语文现代化》1981年第五期,第62页、第89页)的舆论,急切地为「汉语拼音文字」「助产」。 (陈独秀作为「五、四」新文化运动的旗手,他的态度则要审慎的多。虽然他起初也赞同钱玄同的主张,并于1927-1928年间撰写过《中国拼音文字草案》书稿,但是,他对于汉字不曾采取过憎恨和破坏性的态度。从1910年他发表《说文引申义考》起,他一直断断续续地进行着汉字的研究工作,这是一种建设性的态度,他的工作是对汉字的维护。《小学识字教本》的撰写,更加表明了他对汉字的最终态度。他不是积极地为汉字的消亡去积极努力,而是认真地研究汉字的规律,研究汉字的科学教学方法。这是在维护汉字,发展汉字,推广汉字。)



文字改革者的出发点是要变汉字的难学为好学,让人们更好地掌握汉字。但是汉字难学本身就是一个问题而不是定论,即使真地难学也有汉字不好或汉字教学方法不好两种可能,而汉字改革者认定是汉语的问题汉字本身是落后的。他们的错误有四:一是认定问题出在汉字上是他们根本性的错误,二是随之而来对汉语的批判和对拼音文字的赞美也是错误的,三是他们的种种「改革」 (除拼音注音外)也都是有问题的失败的,而坚持错误和以权谋私则是错上加错。

关于汉字是否难学拼音文字是否好学。这似乎是一个多年争论不休的问题,解决这个问题首先要明确什么叫「好学」。学习是一种思维活动,而意识的本质是人脑反映客观事物。文字是人必须掌握的工具,首先要看人是否能方便地掌握它,不能先看是否好念好写好输入,而要先看是否方便辨认,我把它叫做好输入人脑,这才是第一位的。因为到现在为止,人类还没有发现一种方法,靠吃药打针就能把知识输入脑海使人记忆住掌握它,而依然是要靠学习靠自己记忆才能装进脑海,所以便于掌握记忆是最重要的事情。如果既好记又好念、好写、好输入两方面统一当然最好,不能统一那就要区分轻重缓急,不能本末倒置。方便输入人脑(好记)它就是好的,不好念不好写不好输入机器的问题要么不存在,要么不难解决;反过来,即使它好念好写好输入,也不能说它好学。如果我们用阿拉伯数字代替汉字,给六万个汉字都编上号,这固然好写好念好输入,但是却不好记忆。学习固然是耳目口手脑五官并用,但根本的还是头脑。大脑是人的神经中枢,指挥人的一切精神活动,说话用口,听话用耳,看字用眼,写字用手,但五官都受大脑指挥,大脑最精密最伟大最重要,有脑无其他器官是个残疾人但可以学习,然而有其他器官而无脑是个植物人则无法学习,英国科学家霍金只有大脑,并不妨碍他成为一个伟大的科学家,财富与其说是双手不如说是大脑创造的。如果只是从模仿的意义上说,人能重复和写出任何自己不懂的文字,但这都不是识字,只有大脑真正理解了的语言和文字我们才说人是会说话会写字了。即使对于本民族语言,也是会说会听不算有文化,会识会写才叫有文化,而这就是一个将文字输入人脑的过程。理论和实践都可以证明汉字并不难认,拼音文字也不好学(认),中国人学习外语并不轻松,用拼音文字的国家里文盲同样很多就是证明(比如认识了汉字猪、肉这两个字,就掌握了猪、肉、猪肉、肉猪这四个词,猪肉、肉猪是新词但不是新字,认识了猪、肉二字而不知猪肉是什么意思大概不可能,而在英语中猪是pig,肉是meat,猪肉是pork,肉猪是hog,这就需要记忆和掌握四个词,是汉语记忆量的二倍,英语之外的外国人认识了pig, meat之后决不懂得pork、hog的意思,当然猪肉也可以不造词而用meat of pig表示,但这个词就太长了,)。至于说语言与发明创新有直接关系,汉字妨碍中国人发明创新,这更是一个伪问题。中国科技也曾长期领先世界,现在用拼音文字的国家文化和科技落后者多的是。而汉字是否与计算机相容,这更不是一个问题,汉语的输入现在可以比拼音文字快的多了。现在的文字改革者仍然不知、不讲汉字便于辨认而是刻意从机器输入从书写从读音方面来贬低汉字,对外语则是相反。我这里只对汉字改革者的拼音方案、汉字简化和拼音化这三项成果或主张略予评论。

用拼音为汉字注音和推广普通话,这是一个成绩。但也到此为止。而简化汉字只是减少了笔画,是在不了解和不尊重汉字规律的情况下进行的,因而意义不是太大而副作用却是不少,使一些字失去了它的意义,增加了一些人的识字量,更不利于全世界华人的文化认同。这事毁誉参半多说无益。至于想用拼音代替汉字或者什么一语双文,分词连写……更是根本行不通的。与其辛辛苦苦地新创一种文字, 不如直接废除汉字使用英法德俄西等任一文字。文字改革者们往往连自己都不知道自己要做什么了。有的只是为改革而改革,为维护自己的名利而改革。
任何文化思潮,不管它本身多么激进偏激,只要有东西制约它,就不可怕。 「五四」时期钱玄同废除汉字、推行世界语的主张当然很激进,但《新青年》内部就不同意,陈独秀就写了编者按语表示对这种主张有保留。鲁迅也嘲讽钱玄同「才从『四目仓圣』面前爬起,又向『柴明华先师』脚下跪倒。」后来还嘲讽钱玄同「作法不自毙,悠然过四十」。 「文革」中造反派们推行第三批简化汉字,连「雕」字都要简化成「刁」字,王力先生发言反对,说「要是我敢把『毛主席雕像』写成『毛主席刁像』,我岂不成了反革命?」造反派也只好改回来。所以,最重要的是要有不同思想见解能够并存、相互匡正、相互制约的机制,文化生态要平衡,要建立这种平衡机制。所谓汉字难学只是一个问题一种看法而不是定论,即使真地难学也有汉语本身问题和汉语教学方法不当两种可能。实际上汉语难学并不是汉字固有的属性,而是教学方法问题。如果深入遵循汉字的内在联系和外部各种联系的固有规律,遵循人类的认识特点,就可化难为易,提高汉语学习效率。如果方法不当,就会化易为难。当代盛行的「汉字难学」论,一方面是一些人在认识中人为地放大了它;另一方面,则是人为地加剧了它:西方现代语言学和教育学在中国的语言学界和教育界占了统治地位之后,国人抛弃了传统的汉字观与有效的汉语教学方法,把汉字仅仅看作记录语言的工具,采用了西方的以文字教学服从语言教学的随文识字教学等所谓现代科学的方法之后,才使汉字教学日益艰难,才把认识2000左右常用字的时间,从原来的一年左右,拉长到现在的6年左右(以上部分内容引自网上)。
文字改革派在中国很快地掌握了话语权,权力为推行他们的主张提供了支持,其错误不仅没有批判制约力量而且得到了发展。但是事物发展自有其规律。同一切事物的发展一样,凡是有理有效有利的东西,推行就较快效果也较好(如拼音方案),反之则反之。然而没有制约的权力很容易走向反面。马克思指出,「不仅探讨的结果应当是合乎真理的,而且引向真理的途径也应当是合乎真理的」(马恩全集第一卷第八页),真理强行推广也会走向反面,更何况许多并没有掌握真理的人强行推行呢!科学与民主一家,谬误与霸道同在。文字改革者的错误,根本的还不在于他们没有发现汉语好学的方法,而在于他们强行推广他们那一套,他们系统地形成和宣传「汉字落后论」、「汉字难学论」、「拉拼优越论」、「幼儿识字有害论」等,坚持分散识字方法,把汉字变成世界上最难学的文字,并且反对和压制任何不同意见。 「汉语难学」、「汉字落后」是他们改革的原因后来成了他们改革的目的:只有他们使汉字难学的方法是「科学」的,任何讲汉字优长使汉字好学的都是「伪科学」!这是什么心态什么理论?这不只没有使汉字好学,更对中华文字文化和文明造成了严重后果,这岂止是个学术问题!说真的,祖先给我们创设了汉字,最后让人认识三两千字就基本够用这是何等智慧和难得,后人不研究如何尽快地掌握运用它却一味埋怨祖宗批判和折腾汉字,这真是太不应该了,醒醒吧专家们!



 2015-03-26 16:50:00
與歷史上的文字改革不同,近代漢字改革有著強烈的政治背景,是對中國落後挨打、民族生存危機的反思和反應。漢字難學,漢字落後,中國落後三者似乎是一種互為因果的關係,與此對應,拼音先進, 拼音好學,西方強盛三者之間的因果關係似乎也是不言而喻的。看看早期文字改革者對漢語的詛咒,簡直不能相信出自中國人之口,出自學者之口。這裡略引一二,證我非誣。
一百年前,中華民族陷入了空前的災難,國難當頭,亡國無日。一大批知識分子懷著強烈的危機感和愛國心,尋找著中國落後挨打的根源。他們找到了腐朽沒落的清政府,找到了孔孟之道,也找到了中國文化的基本載體---漢字。譚嗣同號召「盡改象形文字(即漢字)為諧聲(即拼音文字)」 ,蔡元培認為:「漢字既然不能不改革,盡可直接的改用拉丁字母了」。魯迅說:「漢字是愚民政策的利器」,是「勞苦大眾身上的結核」,「倘不先除去它,結果只有自己死。」(魯迅全集六卷一六○頁)他斷言,「漢字不滅,中國必亡!」,「漢字也是中國勞苦大眾身上的一個結核,病菌都潛在裡面,」「倘若不先除去它,結果只有自己死」「因為漢字的艱深,使全中國大多數的人民,永遠和前進的文化隔離,中國的人民,決不會聰明起來,理解自身所遭受的壓榨,理解整個民族的危機。我是自身受漢字苦痛很深的一個人,因此我堅決主張以新文字來替代這種障礙大眾進步的漢字。」 錢玄同宣布:「漢字的罪惡,如難識、難寫、妨礙教育的普及、知識的傳播」,「改用拼音是治本的辦法,減省現行漢字筆畫是治標的辦法.……治標的辦法實是目前最切要的辦法」。 「廢孔學,不可不先廢漢文;欲驅除一般人之幼稚的、野蠻的思想,尤不可不先廢漢文」,錢玄同希望中國能廢除漢字,「欲使中國人智識長進,頭腦清楚,非將漢字根本打倒不可。」因為「處處都足以證明(漢字)這個老壽星的不合時宜,過不慣二十世紀科學昌明時代的新生活」。錢玄同還說,「中國文字,論其字形,則非拼音,而為象形文字的末流,不便於識,不便於寫;論其字意,則意義含糊,文法極不精密;論其在今日學問上之應用,則新理、新事、新物之名詞,一無所有;論其過去之歷史,則千分之九百九十九為記載孔門學說及道教妖言之記號...。欲使中國不亡,欲使中國民族為二十世紀文明之民族,必以非孔學、滅道教為根本之解決,而廢記載孔門學說及道教妖言之漢文,尤為根本解決之根本解決。」傅斯年說:「中國文字的起源是極野蠻的,其形狀是極奇異,認識是極不便,應用是極不經濟,真是又笨、又粗、牛鬼蛇神的文字,真是天下第一不方便的器具。」胡愈之主張大寫別字,他認為,寫別字「就可以打破望文生義的習慣,而且別字可以自由地寫,……別字寫成習慣以後,每一個字只代表聲音,並不能代表一個意義,到那時,取消方塊字,改用拉丁文,自然不成問題。」吳稚暉在「新世紀」第40號上說,「中國文字,遲早必廢」。胡適和陳獨秀在錢、吳的文章發表後,立刻表示贊同。陳獨秀說:「...惟有先廢漢文,且存漢語。而改用羅馬字母書之」。 漢字拉丁化的發起者和領導者從二十世紀初就從政治上將漢字定性為「封建社會」「統治階級壓迫勞苦群眾」的工具。1931年9月26日在海參崴召開的,吳玉章等人參加的中國新文字第一次代表大會通過了《中國漢字拉丁化的原則和規則》。這一指導中國文字改革運動的綱領性文件,其第一條原則稱:「大會認為中國漢字是古代與封建社會的產物,已經變成統治階級壓迫勞苦群眾工具之一,實為廣大人民識字的障礙,已不適應現在的時代。」(轉引自吳玉章:《文字改革文集》,中國人民大學出版社1978年12月第一版,第58頁)三十年代的左翼作家瞿秋白說:「漢字真正是世界上最齷齪最惡劣最混蛋的中世紀的茅坑。」(瞿秋白文集二卷六九○頁。)在瞿秋白眼裡,拉丁文字是印有ISO9001標籤的抽水馬桶,代表先進文明。廢除漢字,「走世界共同的拼音化道路」,這是毛澤東的「最高指示」。陳獨秀強烈地主張廢除漢字,說中國文字,既難載新事新理,且為腐毒思想之巢窟,廢之誠不足惜。」 「中醫既不解人身之構造,復不事藥性之分析。……惟知附會五行生剋寒熱陰陽之說。」陳獨秀只是態度稍顯溫和一些,認為一切都得慢慢來。蕭楚女說:「中國文化只有小腳和辮子」,「除了小腳和辮子之外,還有什麼是東方文明——中國文明——所特有的?還有什麼是東方先哲的哲學之特質?」胡適說:「漢字不滅,中國必亡!」「象形文字的殘根餘孽能爬出中世紀的茅坑,多少算是救了漢字。」中國人「必須承認自己百事不如人」,是「又蠢又懶的民族」,「一分像人,九分像鬼的不長進民族」。 「我以為中國將來應該有拼音的文字。但是文言中單音太多,決不能變成拼音文字。所以必需先用白話文字來代替文言的文字,然後把白話的文字變成拼音的文字」。胡適持此主張,雖是權宜之計,但他的白話文運動讓漢字這個「象形文字的殘根餘孽」能爬出中世紀的茅坑,多少算是救了漢字。具有中華民族骨氣的老一輩的科學工作者認為, 「漢字是古代與封建社會的產物,已變成了統治階級壓迫勞苦民眾工具之一」(中國新文字代表大會通過的《中國漢字拉丁化新文字的原則和規則》第一條)。中國語文學界的「大師」和「宗師」在二十世紀八十年代與國際輿論相呼應,認為「電子計算機是漢字的掘墓人」,「漢字行將就木」。呂叔湘先生於1983年3月6日重申他過去的、一貫的關於漢字落後論和漢字拉丁化優越論的主張。他說:「拼音文字能機械化,漢字不能機械化」(《呂叔湘文集》第四卷91頁);「漢字加文言,配合封建社會加官僚政治,拼音加語體文配合工業化社會加民主政治——這是現代化的兩個方面。」(《呂叔湘文集》第四卷116頁);漢字書法「這一項藝術註定了要衰落」,漢字「現在通行的老宋體(其實是明朝後期才有的),實在丑得可以,倒是外國印書的a,b,c,d,有時候還倒真有很美的字體呢。」(《呂叔湘文集》第四卷113頁)。他的結論就是漢字不能面向世界,面向未來和面向現代化。(參見《呂叔湘文集》第四卷134—138頁)中國漢字拉丁化的權威刊物《語文現代化》叢刊1980年第一期宣告:「方塊漢字在電子計算機上遇到的困難,好像一個行將就木的衰老病人」,「歷史將證明:電子計算機是方塊漢字的掘墓人,也是漢語拼音文字的助產士。」(《語文現代化》1980年第一期,第71頁)與漢字「行將就木」論相配合,另一方面,中國文字改革委員會副主任葉籟士和秘書長倪海曙則與1958年全國人民代表大會關於《漢語拼音方案》的決議和周恩來《當前文字改革的任務》中規定《漢語拼音方案》不是拼音文字的原則唱反調,大造《漢語拼音方案》就是「拼音文字」(參見《語文現代化》1981年第五期,第62頁、第89頁)的輿論,急切地為「漢語拼音文字」「助產」。(陳獨秀作為「五、四」新文化運動的旗手,他的態度則要審慎的多。雖然他起初也贊同錢玄同的主張,並於1927-1928年間撰寫過《中國拼音文字草案》書稿,但是,他對於漢字不曾採取過憎恨和破壞性的態度。從1910年他發表《說文引申義考》起,他一直斷斷續續地進行著漢字的研究工作,這是一種建設性的態度,他的工作是對漢字的維護。《小學識字教本》的撰寫,更加表明了他對漢字的最終態度。他不是積極地為漢字的消亡去積極努力,而是認真地研究漢字的規律,研究漢字的科學教學方法。這是在維護漢字,發展漢字,推廣漢字。)
文字改革者的出發點是要變漢字的難學為好學,讓人們更好地掌握漢字。但是漢字難學本身就是一個問題而不是定論,即使真地難學也有漢字不好或漢字教學方法不好兩種可能,而漢字改革者認定是漢語的問題漢字本身是落後的。他們的錯誤有四:一是認定問題出在漢字上是他們根本性的錯誤,二是隨之而來對漢語的批判和對拼音文字的讚美也是錯誤的,三是他們的種種「改革」 (除拼音注音外)也都是有問題的失敗的,而堅持錯誤和以權謀私則是錯上加錯。
關於漢字是否難學拼音文字是否好學。這似乎是一個多年爭論不休的問題,解決這個問題首先要明確什麼叫「好學」。學習是一種思維活動,而意識的本質是人腦反映客觀事物。文字是人必須掌握的工具,首先要看人是否能方便地掌握它,不能先看是否好念好寫好輸入,而要先看是否方便辨認,我把它叫做好輸入人腦,這才是第一位的。因為到現在為止,人類還沒有發現一種方法,靠吃藥打針就能把知識輸入腦海使人記憶住掌握它,而依然是要靠學習靠自己記憶才能裝進腦海,所以便於掌握記憶是最重要的事情。如果既好記又好念、好寫、好輸入兩方面統一當然最好,不能統一那就要區分輕重緩急,不能本末倒置。方便輸入人腦(好記)它就是好的,不好念不好寫不好輸入機器的問題要麼不存在,要麼不難解決;反過來,即使它好念好寫好輸入,也不能說它好學。如果我們用阿拉伯數字代替漢字,給六萬個漢字都編上號,這固然好寫好念好輸入,但是卻不好記憶。學習固然是耳目口手腦五官並用,但根本的還是頭腦。大腦是人的神經中樞,指揮人的一切精神活動,說話用口,聽話用耳,看字用眼,寫字用手,但五官都受大腦指揮,大腦最精密最偉大最重要,有腦無其他器官是個殘疾人但可以學習,然而有其他器官而無腦是個植物人則無法學習,英國科學家霍金只有大腦,並不妨礙他成為一個偉大的科學家,財富與其說是雙手不如說是大腦創造的。如果只是從模仿的意義上說,人能重複和寫出任何自己不懂的文字,但這都不是識字,只有大腦真正理解了的語言和文字我們才說人是會說話會寫字了。即使對於本民族語言,也是會說會聽不算有文化,會識會寫才叫有文化,而這就是一個將文字輸入人腦的過程。理論和實踐都可以證明漢字並不難認,拼音文字也不好學(認),中國人學習外語並不輕鬆,用拼音文字的國家裡文盲同樣很多就是證明(比如認識了漢字豬、肉這兩個字,就掌握了豬、肉、豬肉、肉豬這四個詞,豬肉、肉豬是新詞但不是新字,認識了豬、肉二字而不知豬肉是什麼意思大概不可能,而在英語中豬是pig,肉是meat,豬肉是pork,肉豬是hog,這就需要記憶和掌握四個詞,是漢語記憶量的二倍,英語之外的外國人認識了pig, meat之後決不懂得pork、hog的意思,當然豬肉也可以不造詞而用meat of pig表示,但這個詞就太長了,)。至於說語言與發明創新有直接關係,漢字妨礙中國人發明創新,這更是一個偽問題。中國科技也曾長期領先世界,現在用拼音文字的國家文化和科技落後者多的是。而漢字是否與計算機相容,這更不是一個問題,漢語的輸入現在可以比拼音文字快的多了。現在的文字改革者仍然不知、不講漢字便於辨認而是刻意從機器輸入從書寫從讀音方面來貶低漢字,對外語則是相反。我這裡只對漢字改革者的拼音方案、漢字簡化和拼音化這三項成果或主張略予評論。
用拼音為漢字注音和推廣普通話,這是一個成績。但也到此為止。而簡化漢字只是減少了筆畫,是在不了解和不尊重漢字規律的情況下進行的,因而意義不是太大而副作用卻是不少,使一些字失去了它的意義,增加了一些人的識字量,更不利於全世界華人的文化認同。這事毀譽參半多說無益。至於想用拼音代替漢字或者什麼一語雙文,分詞連寫……更是根本行不通的。與其辛辛苦苦地新創一種文字, 不如直接廢除漢字使用英法德俄西等任一文字。文字改革者們往往連自己都不知道自己要做什麼了。有的只是為改革而改革,為維護自己的名利而改革。

