slightly (a part of the body) ④ yawn
欠缺 [chian chue]Ⅰ(动) be deficient in; be short of Ⅱ(名) shortcoming; deficiency
欠条 [chian tiao] (名) a bill signed in acknowledgement of debt; IOU
嵌 (动) inlay; embed
茜 (名) madder
羌 [羗] (名) name of a minority group in China
锵 [鏘] (象) clang; gong
枪 [槍] (名) gun; rifle
枪毙 [chiang bi] (动) execute by shooting; have one shot
枪弹 [chiang dan] (名) bullet; cartridge
枪法 [chiang fa] (名) marksmanship
枪杀 [chiang sza] (动) kill by shooting; shoot dead
呛 [嗆] (动) choke; (of food or drink) go down the wrong way
腔 (名) ① cavity ② tune; pitch③ accent
④ speech
墙 [牆] (名) wall
蔷 [薔] 蔷薇 [chiang wei] (名) rose
强 [強、彊] (形) ① strong; powerful ② better③ a bit more than
强暴 [chiang bao] Ⅰ(形) violent; brutal Ⅱ(名) violence; brutality
强盗 [chiang dao] (名) robber; bandit
强调 [chiang diao] (动) stress; emphasize
强度 [chiang du] (名) intensity
强化 [chiang hua] (动) strengthen; intensify; consolidate
强奸 [chiang jian] (动) rape; violate
强劲 [chiang jing] (形) powerful; forceful
强烈 [chiang lie] (形) strong; intense; violent
强心剂 [chiang shin ji] (名) cardiac stimulant; cardiotonic
强行 [chiang shing] (动) by force
强硬 [chiang ying] (形) strong; unyielding; formidable
抢 [搶] (动) ① snatch; grab ② rob; loot ③ vie for; scramble for ④ rush
抢救 [chiang jiou] (动) rescue
抢险 [chiang shian] (动) speedily carry out rescue work
强 [強、彊] (动) make an effort; strive
强求 [chiang chiou] (动) impose; forcibly demand
强迫 [chiang po] (动) force; compel; coerce
襁 [繈] 襁褓 [chiang bao] (名) swaddling clothes
呛 [嗆] (动) irritate(respiratory organs)
跄 [蹌] 踉跄 [liang chiang] (动) stagger
敲 (动) knock; beat; strike
敲诈 [chiao dza] (动) blackmail; extort; racketeer
悄 悄悄 (副) quietly; stealthily
橇 (名) sledge; sled; sleigh
跷 [蹺]Ⅰ(动) lift up (a leg); hold up (a finger) Ⅱ(名) stilts
锹 [鍬] (名) spade
翘 [翹] (动) ① raise (one’s head) ② become warped
乔 [喬] (形)
乔迁 [chiao chian] (动) move to a new place
乔装 [chiao dzuang] (动) disguise oneself; masquerade
乔木 [chiao mu] (名) arbor; tall tree
侨 [僑]Ⅰ(动) ① live abroad Ⅱ(名) a person living abroad
侨胞 [chiao bao] (名) countrymen(or nationals) residing abroad; overseas compatriots
侨汇 [chiao hui] (名) overseas remittance
侨居 [chiao ju] (动) reside abroad
侨眷 [chiao juan] (名) relatives of nationals living abroad
侨民 [chiao min] (名)a national residing abroad
侨务 [chiao wu] (名) affairs concerning nationals living abroad
桥 [橋] (名) bridge
憔 [顦、癄] 憔悴 [chiao tsui] (形) haggard; withered
樵 (名) firewood
瞧 (动) look; see
巧 (形) ① skilful; clever; ingenious ② cunning; deceitful; artful ③ coincidental; fortuitous; by a happy chance
巧夺天工 [chiao duo tian gong] (形) wonderful workmanship; superb craftsmanship
巧合 [chiao he] (名) coincidence
巧妙 [chiao miao] (形) (of methods, skills, etc.) ingenious; clever
巧遇 [chiao yu] (动) encounter by chance
窍 [竅] (名) a key to sth.
窍门 [chiao men] (名) key (to a problem); knack
壳 [殼] (名) shell; hard surface
撬 (动) prise; pry
翘 [翹] (动) stuck up; rise on one end; tilt
翘辫子 [chiao bian dsi] (形) kick the bucket
翘尾巴 [chiao wei ba] (形) be cocky
鞘 (名) sheath; scabbard
峭 (形) high and steep
峭壁 [chiao bi] (名) cliff; precipice
俏 (形) pretty; smart; cute
俏丽 [chiao li] (形) pretty
俏皮 [chiao pi] (形) (of manners or speeches) lively or amusing; witty
俏皮话 [chiao pi hua] (名) ① witty remark②