勋 [勛、勳] (名) merit
勋章 [shiun dzang] (名) medal; decoration
勋爵 [shiun jue] (名) (a title of nobility) Lord
熏 [燻、薰] (动) ① smoke; fumigate② treat (meat, fish, etc.) with smoke; smoke
熏染 [shiun rzan] (动) contaminate; corrupt
熏陶 [shiun tao] (动) nurture; edify
循 (动) follow; abide by
循环 [shiun huan] (动) circulate; cycle
旬 (名) ① a period of ten days ② a decade in a person’s life (applied to old people alone)
询 [詢] (动) ask; inquire
询问 [shiun wen] (动) ask about; inquire
巡 [廵] (动) patrol
巡航 [shiun hang] (动) cruise
巡逻 [shiun luo] (动) go on patrol; patrol
巡视 [shiun szi] (动) make an inspection tour
巡洋舰 [shiun yang jian] (名) cruiser
寻 [尋] (动) seek; search
寻求 [shiun chiou] (动) seek
寻呼 [shiun hu] (动) page; bleep
寻觅 [shiun mi] (动) seek; look for
寻思 [shiun si] (动) think to oneself; think
寻常 [shiun szang] (形) usual; common
寻味 [shiun wei] (动) chew sth. over; think over
寻问 [shiun wen] (动) inquire about
训 [訓]Ⅰ(动) lecture; teach; train Ⅱ(名) model; example
训练 [shiun lian] (动) train; drill
驯 [馴]Ⅰ(动) tame; subdue Ⅱ(形) tame and docile
驯养 [shiun yang] (动) domesticate
汛 (名) flood
讯 [訊]Ⅰ(动) interrogate; question Ⅱ(名) message; dispatch
迅 (形) fast; swift
迅速 [shiun su] (形) speedy; rapid
逊 [遜] (形) ① modest ② inferior
殉 (动) ① be buried alive with the deceased② lay down one’s life for a cause
殉国 [shiun guo] (动) give one’s life for one’s country