曦 (名) (书) sunlight [usu. referring to that in early morning
熹 (名) (书) break of day
嘻 [譆] (拟声) simulate laugh Ⅰ(叹) a cry of surprise Ⅱ(象) sound of laughter
嬉 (动) play; sport
昔 (名) former times; the past
惜 (动) ① cherish; treasure ② spare; stint; grudge ③ have pity on sb.
熙 [煕] (形) ① bright sunny ② prosperous③ gay; merry
析 (动) ① divide; separate ② analyse; dissect
晰 [晳] (形) clear; distinct
西 (名) west
西藏 [shi dzang] (名) Tibet
西瓜 [shi gua] (名) watermelon
牺 [犠] 牺牲 [shi szeng]Ⅰ(名) sacrifice Ⅱ(动) lay down one’s life
锡 [鍚] (名) tin (Sn)
吸 (动) ① inhale; breathe in ② absorb ③ attract; draw to oneself
吸毒 [shi du] (动) take drugs
吸附 [shi fu] (名) absorption
吸力 [shi li] (名) suction; attraction
吸收 [shi szou] (动) ① absorb; assimilate; imbibe ② recruit; enroll; admit
吸尘 [shi tzeng] (名) vacuum cleaner
吸引 [shi yin] (动) attract; draw; fascinate
奚 (动) why; how; where; what
奚落 [shi luo] (动) make gibes about; taunt
溪 (名) small stream; brook
希Ⅰ(动) hope Ⅱ(形) rare; uncommon
希望 [shi wang] (动、名) hope; wish; expect
稀 (形) ① scarce; uncommon ② sparse; scattered ③ watery; thin
稀薄 [shi bo] (形) thin; rare
稀少 [shi szao] (形) few; rare; scarce
稀释 [shi szi] (动) dilute
兮 (助) same as “a (啊)”
悉 (动) know; learn
息Ⅰ(名) ① breath ② news ③ interest ④ rest (动) stop; cease
熄 (动) put out; extinguish
熄灭 [shi mie] (动) (of fire) go out; die out
夕 (名) sunset; evening
夕阳 [shi yang] (名) the setting sun
膝 (名) knee
犀 (名) rhinoceros
犀利 [shi li] (形) sharp; incisive
席 [蓆]Ⅰ(动) ① mat ② seat; place ③ feast; banquet Ⅱ(量) 一席酒 a banquet
袭 [襲](动) ① raid ② follow the pattern of
媳 (名) daughter-in-law
习 [習]Ⅰ(动) ① practise; exercise; review ② be used to Ⅱ(名) habit; custom; usual practice
习作 [shi dsuo] (名) an exercise in composition, drawing, etc.
习惯 [shi guan]Ⅰ(动) get used (or accustomed) to Ⅱ(名) habit; custom
习俗 [shi su] (名) custom; convention
习题 [shi ti] (名) exercises (in school work)
喜Ⅰ(形) happy; pleased Ⅱ(动) like; be fond of Ⅲ(名) ① happiness; happy event ② pregnancy
喜爱 [shi ai] (动) like; be fond of
喜好 [shi hao] (动) be fond of; be keen on
喜欢 [shi huan] (动) ① like; love; be fond of ② be happy; feel delighted
喜事 [shi szi] (名) ① a happy event; a joyous occasion ② marriage; wedding
洗 (动) ① wash ② kill and loot; sack
洗照片 [shi dzao pian] (动) develop a film
洗手 [shi szou] (动) ① wash one’s hands② refuse to have anything more to do with sth.
洗衣 [shi yi] (动) do washing; do laundry
铣 [銑] (动) mill; cut or shape (metal) with a rotating tool
玺 [璽] (名) imperial or royal seal
隙 (名) ① crack; chink ② loophole; chance
系 [係、繫]Ⅰ(名) ① system; series ② department (in a college); faculty Ⅱ(动) ① be ② relate to ③ tie; fasten
戏 [戲]Ⅰ(名) play; show Ⅱ(动) ① play ② make fun of; tease
戏剧 [shi ju] (名) drama; play
戏院 [shi yuan] (名) theatre
细 [細] (形) ① thin; slender ② in tiny particles③ fine; delicate ④ careful; meticulous; detailed ⑤ minute; trifling
细胞 [shi bao] (名) cell
细节 [shi jie] (名) details; particulars
细菌 [shi jiun] (名) germs; bacteria
瞎Ⅰ(形) blind Ⅱ(动) become blind Ⅲ(副) groundlessly; aimlessly
虾 [蝦] (名) shrimp
呷 (动) sip
峡 [峽] (名) gorge
侠 [俠] 侠义 [shia yi ](形) chivalrous
狭 [狹、陿] (形) narrow
狭窄 [shia dzai] (形) ① narrow; cramped ② narrow and limited
狭义 [shia yi] (名) narrow sense
辖 [轄] (动) govern
遐 (形) (书) far; distant
霞 (名) morning or evening glow
瑕 (名) flaw; defect
暇 (名) free time; leisure