他 (代) ① he ② any person, either male or female, when no distinction of sex is necessary or possible ③ another; other; some other④ used between a verb and a numeral
他们 [ta men] (代) they
他人 [ta rzen] (代) another person; other people; others
他乡 [ta shiang] (名) a place away from home; a strange land
她 (代) she
她们 [ta men] (代)[indicating the female sex] they
它 [牠] (代) [neuter gender] it
它们 [ta men] (代) they
塌 (动) ① collapse; fall down; cave in ② sink; droop ③ calm down
塌方 [ta fang] (动) ① cave in; collapse② landslide
塌陷 [ta shian] (动) subside; sink; cave in
塔 [墖] (名) ① Buddhist pagoda ② tower
挞 [撻] (动) flog; whip
拓 [搨] (动) make rubbings from inscriptions, pictures, etc. on stone tablets or bronze vessels
拓本 [ta ben] (名) a book of rubbings
榻 (名) couch; bed
沓 (形) (书) crowded; repeated
踏 (动) ① step on; tread; stamp ② go to the spot (to make investigation or survey)
胎 (名) ① fetus; embryo ② birth ③ padding; stuffing; wadding ④ tyre
胎生 [tai szeng] (名) viviparity
台 [臺、檯]Ⅰ(名) ① platform; stage; terrace ② stand; support ③ anything shaped like a platform, stage or terrace ④ table; desk ⑤ broadcasting station ⑥ a special telephone service Ⅱ(量) 两台计算机 two computers
台球 [tai chiou] (名) ① billiards ② billiard ball
台灯 [tai deng] (名) desk lamp; table lamp; reading lamp
台风 [tai feng] (名) typhoon
台阶 [tai jie] (名) a flight of steps
苔 (名) liver mosses
抬 [擡] (动) ① lift; raise ② (of two or more people) carry
抬高 [tai gao] (动) raise; heighten; enhance
抬头 [tai tou] (动) ① raise one’s head ② gain ground; look up; rise
泰 (形) ① safe; peaceful; tranquil ② extreme; most
泰然 [tai rzan] (形) calm; composed; self-possessed
太Ⅰ(形) ① highest; greatest; remotest ② more or most senior Ⅱ(副) ① excessively; too; over ② extremely ③ [used in negative sentences] very
太平 [tai ping] (名) peace and tranquillity
太阳 [tai yang] (名) ① the sun② sunshine; sunlight
汰 (动) discard; eliminate
态 [態] (名) ① form; appearance; condition② voice
坍 (动) collapse; fall; tumble
贪 [貪]Ⅰ(形) corrupt; venal Ⅱ(动) ① have an insatiable desire for ② covet; hanker after
贪赃 [tan dsang] (动) take bribes
贪婪 [tan lan] (书) avaricious; greedy; rapacious
贪心 [tan shin] (名)Ⅰgreed; avarice; rapacityⅡ greedy; avaricious; insatiable; voracious
贪图 [tan tu] (动) seek; hanker after; covet
贪污 [tan wu] (名) corruption; graft
滩 [灘] (名) ① beach; sands ② shoal
瘫 [癱] (动) be paralysed
瘫瘓 [tan huan] (动) ① suffer from paralysis② be paralysed; break down
摊 [攤]Ⅰ(动) ① spread out ② fry batter in a thin layer ③ take a share in Ⅱ(名) vendor’s stand; booth; stall Ⅲ(量) 一摊稀泥 a pool of mud
痰 (名) phlegm; sputum
谈 [談]Ⅰ(动) talk; chat; discuss Ⅱ(名) what is said or talked about
谈话 [tan hua]Ⅰ(动) talk; chat Ⅱ(名) ① conversation ② statement
谈论 [tan luen] (动) discuss; talk about
谈判 [tan pan] (名) negotiations; talk
坛 [壇、罎] (名) ① alter ② a raised plot of land for planting flowers, etc.③ platform; forum ④ circles; world
坛 [罎] (名) 坛子 [tan dsi] (名) earthen jar
昙 [曇] (形) covered with clouds
昙花一现 [tan hua yi shian] (形) be very ephemeral; be a flash in the pan; a transient success
檀 (名) sandalwood
檀香 [tan shiang] (名) white sandalwood; sandalwood
潭 (名) deep pool; pond
弹 [彈] (动) ① shoot (as with a catapult, etc.) ② spring; leap ③ flick; flip④ fluff; tease ⑤ play (a stringed musical instrument); pluck ⑥ accuse; impeach
弹簧 [tan huang] (名) spring
弹力 [tan li] (名) elastic force; elasticity; resilience; spring
弹性 [tan shing] (名) elasticity; resilience; spring