士(名) ① scholar ② non-commissioned officer ③ a person trained in a certain field ④ (commendable) person
仕 (动) be an official
仕女 [szi niu] (名) ① a bevy of beauties—a genre in traditional Chinese painting② maids of honour (in an imperial palace)
仕途 [szi tu] (名) (书) official career
恃 (动) rely on; depend on
侍 (动) wait upon; attend upon; serve
侍者 [szi dze] (名) attendant; servant; waiter
侍卫 [szi wei] (名) imperial bodyguard
世 (名) ① lifetime; life ② generation ③ age; era ④ world ⑤ epoch
世代 [szi dai] (名) for generations; from generation to generation; generation after generation
世纪 [szi ji] (名) century
事Ⅰ(名) ① matter; affair; thing; business ② trouble; accident ③ job; work ④ responsibility; involvement Ⅱ(动) be engaged in
事变 [szi bian] (名) ① incident ② emergency; exigency
事情 [szi ching] (名) affair; matter; thing; business
事故 [szi gu] (名) accident; mishap
事件 [szi jian] (名) incident; event
事例 [szi li] (名) example; instance
事实 [szi szi] (名) fact
事物 [szi wu ](名) thing; object
事业 [szi ye] (名) ① cause; undertaking ② enterprise; facilities
誓Ⅰ(动) swear; vow; pledge Ⅱ(名) oath; vow
逝 (动) ① pass ② die; pass away
势 [勢] (名) ① power; force; influence② momentum; impetus ③ the outward appearance of a natural object ④ situation; state of affairs; circumstances ⑤ sign; gesture
势必 [szi bi] (副) certainly will; be bound to
势力 [szi li] (名)force; power; influence
是 [昰]Ⅰ(动) ① used as the verb to be when the predicative is a noun ② used for emphasis when the predicative is other than a noun③ used to indicate existence ④ used to indicate concession ⑤ placed before a noun to indicate fitness or suitability ⑥ used before a noun to indicate each and every one of the kind ⑦ pronounced emphatically to indicate certainty ⑧ used in an alternative or negative question ⑨ used at the beginning of a sentence for the sake of emphasis ⑩ [used to answer in the affirmative] yes; right Ⅱ(形) correct; right
是非 [szi fei] (名) ① right and wrong; truth and falsehood ② quarrel; dispute
是否 [szi fou] (副) whether or not; whether; if
嗜 (动) have a liking for; take to
嗜好 [szi hao] (名) ① hobby② addiction; habit
释 [釋] (动) ① explain; expound ② clear up; dispel ③ let go; be relieved of ④ release; set free
释迦牟尼 [szi jia mou ni] (名) Sakyamuni
适 [適]Ⅰ(形) ① fit; suitable; proper ② right; opportune ③ comfortable; well Ⅱ(动) go; follow; pursue
适度 [szi du] (形) appropriate; moderate
适中 [szi dzong] (形) ① moderate② (of place) well situated
适龄 [szi ling] (形) of the right age
适时 [szi szi] (形) at the right moment; in good time; timely
适应 [szi ying] (动) suit; adapt; fit
氏 (名) family name; surname
氏族 [szi dzu] (名) clan
筮 (动) divine
噬 (动) bite
饰 [飾]Ⅰ(名) decorations; ornaments Ⅱ(动) ① adorn; dress up; polish; cover up② play the role (or act the part) of a dramatic character
饰物 [szi wu] (名) ① articles for personal adornment; jewellery ② ornaments; decorations
螫 (动) sting
收 (动) ① receive; accept ② put away; take in ③ collect ④ harvest; gather in ⑤ bring to an end; stop ⑥ (of emotion or action) restrain; control
收支 [szou dzi] (名) revenue and expenditure; income and expenses
收费 [szou fei] (动) collect fees; charge
收割 [szou ge] (动) reap; harvest; gather in
收购 [szou gou] (动) purchase; buy
收回 [szou hui] (动) ① take back; call in; regain; recall ② withdraw; countermand
收据 [szou ju ](名) receipt
收盘 [szou pan] (名) closing quotation (on the exchange, etc.)
收入 [szou rzu]Ⅰ(名) income; revenue; earnings Ⅱ(动) take in; include
收成 [szou tzeng] (名) harvest; crop
收益 [szou yi] (名) (of an enterprise) income; profit
守 (动) ① guard; defend ② keep watch; look after ③ observe; abide by
守信用 keep one’s promise
守则 [szou dse] (名) rules; regulations
守法 [szou fa] (动) abide by (or observe) the law; be law-abiding
守卫 [szou wei ] (动) guard; defend
首Ⅰ(名) ① head ② leader; head; chief Ⅱ(量) for poems or songs Ⅲ(形) first
首都 [szou du] (名) capital (of a country)
首脑 [szou nao] (名) head; leading personage
首先 [szou shian] (副) ① first ② in the first place; first of all; above all
首相 [szou shiang] (名) prime minister