Translation Translation is the phonetic word. Words are the pictogram; epididymis is phonetic. "Said the text" Note: "interpretation of the speaker from a Shii words, epididymis sound.." Translation means the translation, is about one language into another language. As a noun, it refers to the translator.
译 译是形声字。言为形符;睪为声符。《说文》注:“传译四夷之言者。从言,睪声。”译指翻译,即将一种语言文字翻译成另一种语言文字。作名词,指译者。
译 译是形声字。言为形符;睪为声符。《说文》注:“传译四夷之言者。从言,睪声。”译指翻译,即将一种语言文字翻译成另一种语言文字。作名词,指译者。
译 [譯] (动) translate; interpret