
言-92 谒 [謁] (动) (书) call on (a superior or an elder person); pay one’s respects to

謁   Ye Ye is the phonetic word. Words are the pictogram; Camps acoustic character. "Said the text" Note: "White from words, Camps sound.." Ye as advertising, announce, Chen said, confession. See generally weak for the humble elders, said audience. Extended Jin Jian, Meet.

   谒是形声字。言为形符;曷为声符。《说文》注:“白也。从言,曷声。 ”谒为告白、禀告、陈说、表白。一般用于卑弱者去见尊长,称谒见。引申进见、拜见。
 [] () () call on (a superior or an elder person); pay ones respects to 

