谁 Who is who Phonogram. Words are the pictogram; for the short-tailed bird sound character. "Said the text" Note: "He is also from the words, short-tailed bird sound.." Who is the interrogative pronouns, the equivalent of "what", "who", "what" and "who" used the rhetorical question, saying that "no one. "also means people can not be sure
谁 谁是形声字。言为形符;隹为声符。《说文》注:“何也。从言,隹声。”谁是疑问代词,相当于“什么”“什么人”“哪个人” “哪些人。”用于反问句,表示“没有人。”亦指不能肯定之人。
谁 谁是形声字。言为形符;隹为声符。《说文》注:“何也。从言,隹声。”谁是疑问代词,相当于“什么”“什么人”“哪个人” “哪些人。”用于反问句,表示“没有人。”亦指不能肯定之人。
谁 [誰] (代) ① who ② nobody ③ anybody