
《汉字解码歌》序 "Chinese character decoding song" preface


1  汉字字族部首解码歌101首;
2  汉字信息解码歌100首;
3  人体部位汉字解码歌100首;
4  汉字简化解码歌100首。

         2017 1 7 

"Chinese character decoding song" preface

        Chinese characters are composed of four kinds of passwords (pictograms, refers to things, knowing, phonetic) composed of the code word text.
        The method of Chinese characters consists of the following six kinds: 1 pictographic form method; 2 refers to the group of words; 3 consensual group word method; 4-shaped group word method; 5 underwent group word method;
        Chinese characters decoding the following four methods: 1 pictographic (referring to things) decoding method; 2 knowing decoding method; 3-shaped sound decoding method; 4 words (under the guise, transfer) decoding method.
        Chinese characters are correct or not, not simply in simplified or traditional to measure, but to the exact expression of the password to measure.
        In order to more effectively learn Chinese enthusiastic, obsessed with the study of Chinese characters to provide information, I will be the main more than 1,000 Chinese characters into songs, divided into the following four aspects:
1 Chinese characters radical radical decoding song 101 ;
2 Chinese characters information decoding song 100;
3 people part of the Chinese characters decoding song 100;
4 Chinese characters simplified decoding song 100 .

        Wang Lan 2017 1 7

                Eighty-two-year-old message

