
87 "份", 份是形声字,也是会意字。分也是意符. "share", share of phonetic characters, but also knowing the word. Points are also intended.

87  "份", 份是形声字,也是会意字。分也是意符.
() share; portion () a copy of a newspaper; a gift, etc.

87 "share", share of phonetic characters, but also knowing the word. Points are also intended.
Copies are phonetic characters, but also knowing the word. Man-shaped character; into the sound symbol. The Analects of Confucius, "said: the quality of copies." The word refers to the part of the copies, that is, a copy of the crowd, or "the text of the people, Refers to a part of the whole. Copies are also used as a quantifier. In ancient times, "copies of the text" copies of the word, has been changed to "Bin" or "Bin."

份 () share; portion   Copy of a newspaper; a gift, etc.

