
《汉字解码学》第四部分 汉字是形、声、意结合的双脑文字 The fourth part of the Chinese characters are shaped, sound, meaning the combination of the two brain text

   《汉字解码学》 第四部分 汉字是形、声、意结合的
The fourth part of the Chinese characters are shaped, sound, meaning the combination of the two brain text

   我在"第三部分 汉字是富含信息的信息化文字"中,介绍了经过几千年来中国文字所积淀的大量信息,而且它的密码是以形象\声音\内容含意三者结合为特征的,这就说明汉字是双脑文字.

The fourth part of Chinese characters is a combination of shape, sound, meaning
          Double brain text
The fourth part of the Chinese characters are shaped, sound, meaning the combination of the two brain text

    Chinese character is the combination of the meaning of the password text, which is to say, it is the image of thinking as the main body of the text.
    Left brain is the human "Bunsen brain", recorded since the birth of knowledge, management is the recent and immediate information; right brain is the human "ancestors brain", storage of human evolution since ancient times in the genetic Factor.
    I in the "third part of the information is rich in information text", introduced after thousands of years of Chinese text accumulated a lot of information, and its password is the image \ sound \ content meaning of the combination of the three features , Which shows Chinese characters are double-brain text.

美国心理生物学家斯佩里博士(Roger Wolcott Sperry,1913.8.20—1994.4.17)通过著名的割裂脑实验,证实了大脑不对称性的“左右脑分工理论”,因此荣获1981年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。正常人的大脑有两个半球,由胼胝体连接沟通,构成一个完整的统一体。在正常的情况下,大脑是作为一个整体来工作的,来自外界的信息,经胼胝体传递,左、右两个半球的信息可在瞬间进行交流(每秒10亿位元),人的每种活动都是两半球信息交换和综合的结果。

Sperry's theory of the division of the left and right brain
American psychologist Dr. Roger Wolcott Sperry (1913.8.20-1994.4.17) through the famous split brain experiments, confirmed the asymmetry of the brain, "left and right brain division of labor theory," won the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology Or medicine. Normal human brain has two hemispheres, connected by the corpus callosum communication, constitute a complete unity. In normal circumstances, the brain works as a whole, information from the outside, through the corpus callosum transmission, left and right hemispheres of information can be exchanged in an instant (billion per second), each person Activities are the result of information exchange and synthesis of both hemispheres.

Human left brain mainly engaged in logical thinking, the right brain is mainly engaged in image thinking, is the source of creativity, art and experience learning center, digging around the two hemispheres of the intelligent area is very important, and brain development focus on the right brain Development. Left brain is the human "Bunsen brain", recorded since the birth of knowledge, management is the recent and immediate information; right brain is the human "ancestors brain", storage of human evolution since ancient times in the genetic Factor of all information, a lot of things I have not experienced a contact can master this is the truth. Right brain is the potential excitation area, the right brain suddenly in the human spirit of the depths of life show signs; right brain is the creative outbreak area, the right brain not only has a magical memory capacity and high-speed information processing capabilities, right brain developed A sudden outbreak of a fantasy, an innovation, an invention and so on. Right brain is a low-power and efficient work area, the right brain does not require a lot of energy can be high-speed calculation of complex mathematical problems, high-speed memory, high-quality memory, with never forget the skills.

