龋 甲骨文象牙中长虫腐噬之形。齿是形符,上有一小虫,表示虫蛀牙,两边各有一个小点,表虫的腐噬。篆书改成形声字,齿为形符,禹为声符.《说文》注:“齿蠹也。从牙,禹声。” 龋即龋齿,俗称虫牙,即牙齿被腐蚀而形成空洞或残损。
龋 [齲] (名) dental caries
11 "caries" as the teeth were rotting insect-shaped, intuitive and vivid.
Caries oval bones of ivory in the shape of rot. Tooth is a character, there is a small insect, said worm tooth decay, both sides have a small point, table insects rot bite. "Tooth" is also from the teeth, Yu sound. "Caries that dental caries, commonly known as insect teeth, the teeth are corrosion and the formation of empty or damaged .
Caries [caries] (dental caries)
11 "caries" as the teeth were rotting insect-shaped, intuitive and vivid.
Caries oval bones of ivory in the shape of rot. Tooth is a character, there is a small insect, said worm tooth decay, both sides have a small point, table insects rot bite. "Tooth" is also from the teeth, Yu sound. "Caries that dental caries, commonly known as insect teeth, the teeth are corrosion and the formation of empty or damaged .
Caries [caries] (dental caries)