鞭 鞭是形声字。革为形符;便为声符。《说文》注:“驱也。从革,便声。”鞭义为以手持鞭前后上下交替甩着进行驱赶。作名词指骑马使用之革制皮鞭,亦广泛指各种用途之鞭子或鞭形物。作动词,指驱赶、鞭打、鞭策等
鞭(名) ① whip; lash ② an iron staff(used as a weapon in ancient China) ③ sth. resembling a whip ④ a string of small firecrackers Ⅱ(动) flog; whip; lash
鞭(名) ① whip; lash ② an iron staff(used as a weapon in ancient China) ③ sth. resembling a whip ④ a string of small firecrackers Ⅱ(动) flog; whip; lash