2 会意解析法 2. Analysing the ideographs
How to decoding Chinese--2 会意解析法
2. Analysing the ideographs
There is a portion of ideographs in pictographs, it is difficult indeed to read them. We can analyse and understand their meaning first using some indications, a full understanding can only be achieved through thorough examination combining other methods, which is quite true when we try to read “敬”. So far we have not found the oracle bone inscription that is equivalent to “敬”. The seal style “敬” is combined by “苟” and “攴”. What meaning does this combination have? It is inexplicable. Not long ago, I spotted a monochrome abbrivated ink work on a hotel wall in Chengdu which illustrated “敬” as a woman kneeling down to show her respect. The visualization of this work is vivid, but carefully examining the work, I found something is missing, there is nothing for “攴”. Later I studied the oracle bone insription “苟” in details and understand that “敬” is something like a hand holding a teaching rod and facing an ill-mannered pupil. The meaning is to let someone respect. Shen Xu expained that “敬” is solemn having something to do with respect. In another explanation, he refered “敬” as respect which has something to do with heart. Shen Xu’s above expanations are correct.