sarcastic remark
切 (动) cut; slice
切磋 [chie tsuo] (动) exchange experience; compare notes
茄 (名) eggplant; aubergine
且Ⅰ(副) ① for the time being ② not to mention; let alone ③ for a long timeⅡ(连) both…and…
妾 (名) concubine
锲 [鍥] (动) (书) carve; engrave
锲而不舍 [chie er bu sze] (形) work with per-severance
挈 (动) ① take along ② take up
怯 (形) timid; cowardly; nervous
怯场 [chie tzang] (动) have stage fright
惬 [愜] (形) satisfied
惬意 [chie yi] (形) pleased; satisfied
切Ⅰ(动) correspond to ; fit Ⅱ(形) eager; anxious Ⅲ(副) be sure to
切合 [chie he] (动) suit; fit in with
切身 [chie szen] (形) ① of immediate concern to oneself ② personal
切实 [chie szi] (形) ① practical; realistic; feasible ② conscientiously; earnestly
窃 [竊]Ⅰ(动) steal Ⅱ(副) secretly; surreptitiously; furtively
窃笑 [chie shiao] (动) laugh up one’s sleeve
窃听 [chie ting] (动) eavesdrop; bug
亲 [親]Ⅰ(形) ① related by blood② intimateⅡ (名) ① parent ② relative③ marriage Ⅲ(动) kiss
亲爱 [chin ai ](形) dear; beloved
亲信 [chin shin] (名) trusted follower
亲王 [chin wang] (名) prince
钦 [欽] (动) admire, respect
钦佩 [chin pei ](动) admire; esteem
钦差大臣 [chin tzai da tzen] (名) imperial envoy; emissary from the top organization
侵 (动) invade; intrude into
侵犯 [chin fan] (动) intrude; encroach upon; violate
侵略 [chin liue] (动、名) invade; aggression
侵蚀 [chin szi] (动) corrode; erode
侵吞 [chin tuen] (动) ① swallow up; annex
② embezzle; misappropriate
秦 (名) ① the Chin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.) ② a surname
勤 [懃]Ⅰ(形) ① hard-working; diligent; industrious ② frequently; regularlyⅡ(名) (office, school, etc.) attendance
芹 芹菜 [chin tsai ](名) celery
禽 (名) birds
禽兽 [chin szou] (名) birds and beasts
擒 (动) capture; catch; seize
噙 (动) hold in the mouth or the eyes
琴 [琹] (名) ① a general name for stringed instruments ② piano
钢琴 [gang chin] (名) piano
胡琴 [hu chin] (名) fiddle
琴键 [chin jian] (名) key (on a musical instrument)
琴弦 [chin shian] (名) string (of a musical instrument)
小提琴 [shiao ti chin] (名) violin
寝 [寢] (动) get into bed; sleep
寝室 [chin szi](名) bedroom; dormitory
沁 (动) ooze; seep
青 (形) ① blue or green ② black ③ young (people)
青光眼 [ching guang yan] (名) glaucoma
青睐 [ching lai](名) favour; good graces
青铜 [ching tong] (名) bronze
青翠 [ching tsui] (形) fresh and green
青春 [ching tzuen] (名) youth
青蛙 [ching wa] (名) frog
清Ⅰ(形) ① clean; clear; pure ② distinct; clarified Ⅱ(动) settle; clear up
清白 [ching bai] (形) pure; clean; unsullied
清真 [ching dzen] (形) Islamic; Muslim
清真寺 [ching dzen si] (名) mosque
清查 [ching tza] (动) check
清偿 [ching tzang] (动) pay off; clear off
清除 [ching tzu] (动) clear away; get rid of; eliminate
清楚 [ching tzu]Ⅰ(形) clear; distinct Ⅱ(动) be clear about; understand
清样 [ching yang] (名) proof
蜻 蜻蜓 [ching ting] (名) dragonfly
倾 [傾] (动) ① incline; lean ② pour out; empty ③ collapse
轻 [輕]Ⅰ(形) ① light (in weight)② small in degree ③ light; easy ④ gently; softlyⅡ(动) belittle; make light of
轻蔑 [ching mie] (形) scornful; contemptuous
轻松 [ching song] (形) relaxed
轻率 [ching szuai] (形) rash; hasty; indiscreet
轻视(动) look down on; despise; under-estimate
氢 [氫] (名) hydrogen (H)
情 (名) ① feelings; affection; sentiment② favour; kindness ③ situation; condition
情报 [ching bao] (名) information; intelligence
情趣 [ching chu] (名) ① disposition and taste ② good taste; appeal
情景 [ching jing] (名) scene; sight; circumstances
情况 [ching quang] (名) situation; condition;