
解码中文(甲骨文)汪岚 谷歌网博客目录 Decoding Chinese (Oracle) Wang Lan Google Weblog Directory

解码中文(甲骨文)汪岚 谷歌网博客目录

   Decoding Chinese (Oracle) Wang Lan

    Google Weblog Directory

(一)1  公开出版《脱口说汉语》<Speaking Chinese Without Stammer>  当代中国出版社 20074月第一版20万字)

(二)2 解码学中文  Decoding Chinese Dictionary   56万字  2012 12 4
(三)3  解码甲骨文  Decoding Jia Gu Wen21万字)   2013 1 19
(四)4 趣味欣赏东巴文 appreciating Dongba For Fun 16万字)  2013 1 25

(五)5 解码常用汉字四千五 Decoding Chinese In Common Use 4500  32万字)   2013 2 7 
(六)象形文字通释 Demotic Expanations Of Selected pictographs   22万字)   2013 2 17 
(七)7 解码学中文Decoding Chinese With Picture (40万字)   2013  4  13---2015  3  30
(八)8  中文字族(部首)解码法       Decoding Chirectore Tree    40万字)2015  4  2---2016 9 22 
(九)9  汉字解码学 Learning Chinese Characters decode
10万字)2016 9 20---2017 1 10

(十)10  中文解码歌 Chinese decoding songs(1万字)2016 9 11---2017 1 10 

 以上10册 合计约256万字     
           汪 岚 2017 1 15 (八十二岁


《汉字解码歌》序 "Chinese character decoding song" preface


1  汉字字族部首解码歌101首;
2  汉字信息解码歌100首;
3  人体部位汉字解码歌100首;
4  汉字简化解码歌100首。

         2017 1 7 

"Chinese character decoding song" preface

        Chinese characters are composed of four kinds of passwords (pictograms, refers to things, knowing, phonetic) composed of the code word text.
        The method of Chinese characters consists of the following six kinds: 1 pictographic form method; 2 refers to the group of words; 3 consensual group word method; 4-shaped group word method; 5 underwent group word method;
        Chinese characters decoding the following four methods: 1 pictographic (referring to things) decoding method; 2 knowing decoding method; 3-shaped sound decoding method; 4 words (under the guise, transfer) decoding method.
        Chinese characters are correct or not, not simply in simplified or traditional to measure, but to the exact expression of the password to measure.
        In order to more effectively learn Chinese enthusiastic, obsessed with the study of Chinese characters to provide information, I will be the main more than 1,000 Chinese characters into songs, divided into the following four aspects:
1 Chinese characters radical radical decoding song 101 ;
2 Chinese characters information decoding song 100;
3 people part of the Chinese characters decoding song 100;
4 Chinese characters simplified decoding song 100 .

        Wang Lan 2017 1 7

                Eighty-two-year-old message


点字解码歌 Point decoding song

 Point decoding song
Point is the shape, two points is "ice"
Three points "flood" to the door.
"Fish" has four points that are fishtails,
Fire has four points "burning" non-stop.


 []() drop dot; spot; speck point aspect; feature () put a dot touch on briefly drip check; check to see that the number is correct select; choose hint; point out light; burn; kindle () a little; a bit; some used to indicate time

       汪  岚  2017年 5月4日
 Wang Lan May 4, 2017
                            (Eighty-two years old)

隹(zhui)字解码歌 Short-tailed bird (zhui) word decoding song



Short-tailed bird (zhui) word decoding song
Short-tailed bird is shaped,
"Short-tailed bird隹" plus "leave离" means "parting離 " points.
Two "short-tailed bird隹" plus "said言" means 讎answer,
"Short-tailed bird隹" plus "speak言" to ask "who谁" people?

(名)short tailed bird

竹字解码歌 Bamboo word decoding song


Bamboo word decoding song
Bamboo is shaped, bamboo leaves three points,
Bamboo uniform and uniform.
"Bamboo竹" plus "tool具" is the word "count算"
Bamboo 竹"character符" commander of the armed forces.

 () bamboo

舟字解码歌 Boat decoding song


“舟”加“它”字 名叫“舵”,

Boat  decoding song
The boat is shaped, it is a boat,
"Boat舟" plus “监” word is "ship (ship)舰".
"Boat舟" plus "it它" called "rudder舵"
"Boat舟" plus "Shu殳", "hand扌" to rudder "move搬"。


 () boat

豸(zhi)字解码歌 Chi 豸 word decoding song


Chi 豸 word decoding song
Zhi豸 is shaped, the beast opened big mouth,
The beasts are mostly ugly .
"Zhi豸" plus "spoon勺" is the word "leopard豹"
Sluggish, vicious "jackal豺" .

(名)insect without feet or legs (mentioned in ancient books) with mouth opened ferocious beast.