
英语 How to decode the Chinese word "person" ethnic group?


  要把明显的和变形的“人”字的密码解读出来,1 必须与甲骨文、篆书的字形字义结合起来,才能比较确切的加以分别。2 要多动脑子,采取各种方法,加以研究,将多种形态的字进行分类识别。3 千万不要单纯从字典上查找偏旁部首,因为部首例举的范围有限。4 有的“人”字已单独建立了部首的(如页、邑),也需联系起来,加以研究,才必较完善。
1 右侧偏旁人。如俺、伴、你、作等。
2 字下部的人。如僰、天、见、竞等。
3 字中部的人。如大、夹、闪、亟等。
4 字上部的人。如介、亢、令、色等。
5 字左侧的人。如既、顺、配、祀等。
6 字框内的人。如囚、泅、因、恩等。
7 是并立的人。如从、众、聚、坐等。
8 是身形的人。如身、谢、躬、躺等。
9 是曲身的人。如尸、屎、尿、尾等。

                            汪 岚 2016年 6月 3日

How to decode the Chinese word "person" ethnic group?

Earth people are all spirit, all aspects of human activities, including labor, production, life, economy, culture, politics, war and art. So, build a "person" in Chinese characters password is also presented in various forms.
And make a significant deformation word "person" in the password out and interpreted, a must with Oracle, Seal glyph meaning together, to be more precise, respectively. 2 to more mindless, take a variety of methods to study the various forms of the word classification. 3 Do not simply look for radicals from the dictionary, because of the limited range radicals exemplified. 4 Some of the "person" has established a separate radicals (such as pages, Yap), also need to contact them, to study, only will more perfect.
I passed practice, preliminary findings word "person" to find the following 11 kinds of forms. Now sorted out for you the scholars and experts RESEARCH.
A radical right-hand man. As I, with you, for the like.
2 the lower portion of the word people. Such as Bo, day, see, competition and so on.
3 people in the middle of the word. Such as large, folders, flash, and so urgent.
4 people upper part of the word. As mediator, hyperactivity, make, color and so on.
5 to the left of the word people. As both, along with, worship and so on.
6 people word box. Such as prisoners, submerge, because, uh, and so on.
7 is a side by side of the people. Such as from the public, together, wait.
8 is a man of stature. Such as the body, thanks, bow, lying and so on.
9 is bowed person. As dead, feces, urine, tail and so on.
10 sit-shaped people. As described in Section, India, Yap, the Executive and the like.
11 is profiled person. Such as Nigeria, of, delivery, covers.
 As a result, from 4000 it is now commonly used Chinese characters, the decoder 370 and a plurality of word "person" as a co-ethnic character of the characters. I am pleased this finding. In 300 days time after my illness, but also friends and study together, to share the results, my heart really indescribably happy.
   thank you all.

            Wang Lan, June 3, 2016
               81 years old

