
Waterfront Auckland 世界第一“水岸之城”奥克兰颂


        水岸之城 第一乡,        港湾绮丽迎初阳。
        鸟飞天外千帆动,         人入画中万事忘。
                                汪 岚 2016 6 26 (八十一作)

注1 第一乡:即世界第一水岸之城”奥克兰。
  2 初阳:指地球第一个迎接太阳升起的百万人口的大城市,风光绮丽,百里港湾沐浴着初升的朝阳。
  3 鸟飞天外:奥克兰有鸟岛,风景优雅,无比神奇。
  4 千帆:奥克兰是世界著名的“帆船之都”。
  5 画中: 奥克兰无论水岸和陆地都风景如画,每行10-15分钟就是一幅入镜的画面,人入画中,如入仙境,真可以身我两忘啊。

            Waterfront Auckland
Oh, my waterfront home Auckland, a worldclass city in many minds. A spreading garden with beautiful flowers, they are in full bloom between the water ana the land. When waking up in the morning sunlight, coves bays stretching out their hands, bright harbours swim to the seashore, golden beaches smile with shining sand. Up above the sky birds are flying, in the sea moving yachts and sails are countless in thousand. People here lead perfect life as in the painting, no one knows for what unhappiness stand.

