
八-7 背

背 甲骨文背与北同为一字。象二人相背躬身站立之形。《说文》注:“脊也。从肉,北声。”背义为脊背。自肩至腰部为背。引申反面、后部、违反、不顺、离开、偏僻等。与“正”相对。此处作动词,指背负。 背 [揹] (动) ① carry on one’s back ② bear, shoulder----- 背 (同上)此处作名词,指背部。泛指某些东西之反面或后部。引申违反、不顺、隐瞒、离开、偏僻等。 背Ⅰ(名) ① the back of the body; the back of an object ② at the back ; with the back towards Ⅱ(动) ① hide sth. from view; do sth. behind sb.’s back ② recite from memory ③ act contrary to; violate; break; Ⅲ(形) ① out of the way ② hard of hearing ③ unlucky

