
I.the Chinese characters are coding text 一、中国的汉字是密码词符文字

I.the Chinese characters are coding text 一、中国的汉字是密码词符文字 I.the Chinese characters are coding text 一、中国的汉字是密码词符文字 I.the Chinese characters are coding text There are 56 ethnic groups in China, among which 18 had their own language texts before the founding of the new China, and 8 created their new texts thereafter. Chinese characters are seen as the national language. The coding symbols with knots and the engraved symbols are the previous form of Chinese Characters. The Yellow Emperor's historiographer Changjei is said to have created Characters. Xunzi said: “Scholars were crowded, but only Changjei handed text down. Unmatched!” In what way did Changjei create Characters? “Han Fei – Wu Du article” said that ChangJei used cipher symbols to create Characters. For example, crops (‘禾’) held in arms (‘厶’)is ‘私’, which means privately-owned or selfishness. In contrast to‘私’is ‘公’ with a symbol (‘八’) above (‘厶’), which means against ‘私’, or publically- owned. This symbol, neither Alphabetic writing nor Syllabic language, is a coding text. One character is a separate word. Each character is consisted of one or more cypher symbols. The Yinxu Oracle-bone inscriptions, unearthed in 1899, are the original archives of Shang’s royal family. Such important raw materials are of greatest value because there are no any additions, deletions and modifications by descendants. Over 160,000 bones and tortoise shells were excavated, on which there are about 5,000 Oracle characters. Approximately 1500 of them have been identified and decoded. Yinxu Oracle-bone inscriptions are by far the earliest systematic characters in China, which are mainly composed of four coding symbols: Pictographs, Ideographic, Ideographs and Phono-semantic compounds. After Oracle-bone inscriptions, Chinese characters experienced their long evolution, i.e. Bronze Script, Seal Characters, Official Script and Regular Script. The coding symbols of Chinese characters are of various characters and forms. Traditional Chinese lexicography divided characters into six categories (“Six Writings”), which first appeared in the “Rites of Zhou” in the Warring State Period period 2500 years ago. This classification has originally referred to methods of creating characters. Then, in Han dynasty, the famous scholar Xu Shen made a more detailed explanation on “Six Writings”. Xu Shen classified Chinese characters into “Texts” and “Words”. “Texts” refer to the basic elements that constitute the coding symbols (Pictographs, Ideographic, Ideographs and Phono-semantic compounds). “Words” refer to the individual and complete characters with shape, sound and meaning, constituted either by a single element or multiple elements mentioned above. Among the six methods of creating characters, Pictographs, Ideographic, Ideographs and Phono-semantic compounds are coding symbols, while Rebus (phonetic loan) characters and Derivative Cognates are just borrowing or transition of the coding symbols. (translated by Jiao Li from Foreign languages Department, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, P.R.China) 一、中国的汉字是密码词符文字中国有56个民族,建国前有文字的民族有18个,建国后新创文字的民族是8个。汉字是全国的通用文字,统称中文。汉字的前身是结绳记事、契刻记事的密码符号。汉字的创立,传说是黄帝的史官仓颉所造。荀子说:“好书者众也,而仓颉独传者,一也。”这句话的意思是:中国参与造字的很多很多,岂止仓颉一人。而仓颉之所以传名后世,是因为他作了收集、整理、统一的工作。仓颉是怎样造字的?据《韩非子·五蠹篇》说:“仓颉之作书也,自环者谓之私,背私谓之公。”意思就是说仓颉是以一种密码符号来造字的,比如私字,就是将东西(禾苗)抱在怀里表示私有或表示自私。与私字相反,在“厶”字上标出两个相背的符号,表示与私相反,就叫作公。这种符号,既别于拼音文字,又别于单纯的音节文字,而是一种密码词符文字。一个字就是一个独立的单词,每个字由一个或多个密码符号组成。 1899年出土的殷墟甲骨文,是商代王室的原始档案。这非常重要的原始资料,没有经过后人的增删改动,更显得十分宝贵。出土的甲骨总计有16万多版,已发现的甲骨文单字约有5000余个,目前可以判识的接近1500个。殷墟甲骨文是迄今为止中国最早的系统文字。我们具体分析甲骨文,发现它们是由象形、指事、会意、形声四种密码符号所组成的。甲骨文之后,汉字又经历了金文、篆书、隶书、楷书的演变。中国汉字的密码符号具有多种性质,形态也多种多样。在2500年前的战国时期,儒家学者编纂的《周礼·地官·保氏》中说的”六书”,是最早提出的中国汉字的六种造字方法。汉代著明的文字学家许慎,对“六书”又做了具体详尽的解释。他还说:“仓颉之初作书,盖依类象形,故谓之文;其后形声相益,即谓之字。字者,言孳乳而浸多也。”许慎将“文”和“字”分开讲,很有意义 ,他从实质上点出了汉字是由密码构成的。“文”是指构成汉字密码的基本要素(象形、指事、会意、形声四种密码符号),“字”就是由多个密码构成或以单个密码确定的形、声、义完整的字。这六种造字方法,其中真正用以造字的,只有象形、指事、会意、形声四种密码符号。其余两种(假借、转注),只是密码符号的转用方法。 (中国华中科技大学外语教师李佼译)

