曰 (动) (书) ① say ② call; name
约 [約]Ⅰ(动) ① make arrangements for ② invite Ⅱ(名) pact; agreement; appointment Ⅲ(形) simple; brief Ⅳ(副) about; around; approximately
约会 [yue hui] (名) appointment; engagement; date; rendezvous
悦Ⅰ(形) happy; pleased; delighted Ⅱ(动) please; delight
阅 [閱] (动) ① read; go over ② review; inspect ③ experience; pass through
阅历 [yue li]Ⅰ(动) experience Ⅱ(名) knowledge of the world; personal experience
越 (动) ① get over; jump over ② exceed; overstep
越轨 [yue gui] (动) exceed the bounds
越境 [yue jing] (动) cross the boundary illegally; sneak in or out of a country
越野 [yue ye] (形) cross-country
越狱 [yue yu] (动) escape from prison
跃 [躍] (动) leap; jump
钺 [鉞] (名) a battleaxe used in ancient China
岳 [嶽] (名) ① high mountain ② wife’s parents
月 (名) ① the moon ② month
月经 [yue jing] (名) menses; menstruation; period
月票 [yue piao] (名) monthly ticket (for going by bus or underground railway)
钥 [鑰] (名) key
乐 [樂] (名) music
晕 [暈] (动) ① feel dizzy; feel giddy ② swoon; faint
晕倒 [yiun dao] (动) fall down in a fainting fit
云 (动) (书) say
云 [雲] (名) cloud
云霞 [yiun shia] (名) rosy clouds
耘 (动) weed
芸 芸豆 [yiun dou] (名) kidney bean
芸芸众生 [yiun yiun dzong szeng] (名) (in Buddhism) all living things
匀 [勻]Ⅰ(形) even Ⅱ(动) ①even up; divide evenly ②spare
匀整 [yiun dzeng] (形) neat and well spaced; even and orderly
匀称 [yiun tzen] (形) well proportioned; well balanced; symmetrical
陨 [隕] (动) fall from the sky or outer space
陨石 [yiun szi] (名) aerolite; stony meteorite
允Ⅰ(动) permit; allow; consent Ⅱ(形) fair; just
允诺 [yiun nuo] (动) promise; consent; assent
允许 [yiun shu] (动) permit; allow
韵 [韻] (名) ① rhyme ② charm
韵律 [yiun liu] (名) ① metre (in verse)② rules of rhyming
韵母 [yiun mu] (名) simple or compound vowel (of a Chinese syllable)
韵文 [yiun wen] (名) literary composition in rhyme; verse
晕 [暈]Ⅰ(动) feel dizzy; feel giddy; faint Ⅱ(名) halo
晕车 [yiun tze] (动) be carsick
晕船 [yiun tzuan] (动) be seasick
运 [運]Ⅰ(动) ① carry; transport ② use; wield; utilize Ⅱ(名) fortune; luck; fate
运动 [yiun dong] (名) ① motion; movement② sports; athletics; exercise
运载火箭 [yiun dsai huo jian] (名) carrier rocker
运转 [yiun dzuan] (动) ① revolve; turn round ② work; operate
运费 [yiun fei] (名) transportation expenses
运算 [yiun suan] (名) calculation; operation
运行 [yiun shing] (动) move; be in motion
运用 [yiun yong] (动) utilize; wield; apply; put to use
酝 [醖] 酝酿 [yiun niang] (动) ① brew; ferment ② have a preliminary informal discussion; deliberate on
蕴 [蘊] (动) (书) accumulate; hold in store; contain
孕 (名) pregnancy
孕妇 [yiun fu] (名) pregnant woman
孕育 [yiun yu] (动) be pregnant with; breed
熨 (动) iron; press