
How to decoding Chinese

How to decoding Chinese 1. Decoding pictograph Pictographs are mainly composed of codes. What is code? Simply speaking, a code is a sign. Character codes are character signs. Pictographic codes are made up of graphic signs, sound signs, meaning signs and indication signs. To read a pictograph needs to read the codes in it. Once a character is decoded, its meaning is clear, then we can understand why our predecessors used those pictographs. For example, “美”the oracle bone inscription “美” looks like a standing man with three layers of feathers decorating his head, more like a warrior with beautiful head decorations, also like a compere governing a sacral ceremony. Another oracle bone inscription “美” seems to be a man preening himself using his two hands. These codes indicate that “美” has a meaning of “beauty” and “nicety”, which not only refers to one’s outside beauty but inner side as well. Used as a verb, “美” means “decorate”, “make up” and “prettify”. Our predecessors added “女” to the left side of “美” to describe a woman’s beauty. The book 《Word And Expression》 gave it a meaning of “good-looking”, specifically used for ladies, for beautiful ladies, and pronounced “Mei” which has an opposite meaning to “丑”.The meaning can be extended to “luck”, “good thing” and “satisfactory” etc. Ordinary people knows what “Mei” means, however, some dictionaries or TV programs explained that “美” is made up of two parts, the upper part is “羊”,meaning sheep, and the lower part is “大”, meaning big, so “美” is a big sheep. These dictionaries and TV programs made such explanations based on Shen Xu’s explanation: “美” means “sweet”, is related to “sheep” and “big”. Sheep is a major food source of the six meat animals. “羊” and “膳” shared the same meaning. It should be said that “sweet”, “good meal” and “good food” are the extending meaning of “Mei”, not real meaning of it. The above explanation is certainly not the best because it is quite unilateral and one swallow does make a summer. “爱” is not found in the oracle bone inscriptions. The seal style of “爱” is made up of a “心”, heart, and two feet respectively positioned above and under “心”, implicating love of two people or among people, and also indicating sexual love. Shen Xu said: “爱” is kindness. “心” is a form sign, the two feet are also the form or object signs, not the sound signs, which means “爱” is not a form-sound character, it is a pictograph. Is that right? Further studies are needed. 2. Analysing the ideographs There is a portion of ideographs in pictographs, it is difficult indeed to read them. We can analyse and understand their meaning first using some indications, a full understanding can only be achieved through thorough examination combining other methods, which is quite true when we try to read “敬”. So far we have not found the oracle bone inscription that is equivalent to “敬”. The seal style “敬” is combined by “苟” and “攴”. What meaning does this combination have? It is inexplicable. Not long ago, I spotted a monochrome abbrivated ink work on a hotel wall in Chengdu which illustrated “敬” as a woman kneeling down to show her respect. The visualization of this work is vivid, but carefully examining the work, I found something is missing, there is nothing for “攴”. Later I studied the oracle bone insription “苟” in details and understand that “敬” is something like a hand holding a teaching rod and facing an ill-mannered pupil. The meaning is to let someone respect. Shen Xu expained that “敬” is solemn having something to do with respect. In another explanation, he refered “敬” as respect which has something to do with heart. Shen Xu’s above expanations are correct. 3. Analysing the phonograms The oracle bone scriptions of three thousand years old are mainly pictographs, the phonograms account for only about 20 percent. Until Qin and Han Dynasties of 2000 years ago, the phonograms were dramatically increased. In 《Word And Expression》, the phonograms were about 82 percent. In modern Chinese, there are about 90 percent phonograms. It can be seen that it is important to analyse the phonograms. The phonograms have three advantages. Firstly, they have elements indicating pronounciation, one 70-80 percent knows how to read them simply by first look; secondly, the character structure is simple, there is an element for form and also an element for pronounciation, it is easy to analyse; thirdly, there are rules applied to more complicated phonograms. The following methods apply: a) the sound element is parent, the form element step mother ( the sound element is prior to the form element); b) to catch the bandits, first catch the ringleader, to know how to read, first know what is parent element (the form element contains real meaning); c) a scholar is shrewd enough to just read the half character (only for some phonograms). 4. Analyzing Group Characters The basic element of pictographs is the form or shape. The shape can be categorized, for example, there are mountains, rivers, wood, stones, soil, fields, gold, the sun, the moon, light, rain and fires in the nature. The head, hands, feet, ears, eyes, mouth, heart, brain, nose, flesh and bones etc are related to human body. In the animal world, we can see pig, ox, horse, sheep, dog, and deer etc and etc. These words are less related in other languages, but in Chinese, they are related and orderly combined. For example, the character “木” is used as the form or shape sign in many character groups. 1) Plant part: wood(木), woods (林), forest (森), root (根), branch (枝), treetop (梢), leave (叶), stem (杆) and twig (条) etc. 2)Arbor: pine (松), cypress (柏), cedar (杉), poplar (杨), pagoda tree (槐), willow (柳), camphor (樟), sandelbaum (檀), oak (栎), mulberry (桑), laurel (桂). 3)Fruit tree: peach (桃), plum (李), apricot (杏), tangerine (橘), orange (柑), mandarin (桔), persimmon (柿), pear (梨), fruit (果). 4) Wooden things: cupboard (柜), cabinet (橱), trunk (箱), grid (栅), doorsill (槛),fence (栏), desk (桌), chair (椅), shelf (架), ladder (梯) and oar (桨) etc. 5) Actions related to “木”: look (相), check (查), examine (检), verify (核), proofread (校), regular script (楷), 、横、extract (榨), dye (染) etc. Once this analysing method is grasped , it can be repeatedly used for recognising and identifying pictographs with less time spending and better effectiveness. Jingyan County Education Bureau of Sichuan Province used this kind of method to teach students Chinese characters, most year three students were proved to be equivalent to the year six students of traditional teaching method. The Ministry of Education once dispatched an officer to exmanine the teaching method, unfortunately it was not widely adopted. On 29th of March 1994, I wrote a poem “ZHE GU TIAN” to appraise Jingyan County’s pioneer work on group character study.

